Frédéric Allain: Courses in Spring Semester 2021

Name Prof. Dr. Frédéric Allain
FieldBiomolecular NMR
Institut für Biochemie
ETH Zürich, HPP L 14.1
Hönggerbergring 64
8093 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 39 40
Fax+41 44 633 12 94
RelationshipFull Professor

551-0126-00LFundamentals of Biology II: Cells Information 6 credits5G
551-0126-00 GGrundlagen der Biologie II: Zellen5 hrs
Mon11:45-13:30HCI G 3 »
Tue16:15-18:00HG E 7 »
Wed11:45-13:30HCI G 3 »
K. Weis, F. Allain, Y. Barral, W.‑D. Hardt, U. Kutay, M. Peter, I. Zemp
551-0307-01LMolecular and Structural Biology II: Molecular Machines and Cellular Assemblies
D-BIOL students are obliged to take part I and part II as a two-semester course.
3 credits2V
551-0307-01 VMolecular and Structural Biology II: Molecular Machines and Cellular Assemblies2 hrs
Mon11:45-13:30HCI J 3 »
N. Ban, F. Allain, S. Jonas, M. Pilhofer
551-0434-00LNMR Spectroscopy in Biology Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 6.

The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.

General safety regulations for all block courses:
-Whenever possible the distance rules have to be respected
-All students have to wear masks throughout the course. Please keep reserve masks ready. Surgical masks (IIR) or medical grade masks (FFP2) without a valve are permitted. Community masks (fabric masks) are not allowed.
-The installation and activation of the Swiss Covid-App is highly encouraged
-Any additional rules for individual courses have to be respected
-Students showing any COVID-19 symptoms are not allowed to enter ETH buildings and have to inform the course responsible
6 credits7P
551-0434-00 PNMR Spectroscopy in Biology
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
Block course in the 2nd quarter of the spring semester
100s hrs
Tue/112:45-16:30HPP L 21 »
Wed/107:45-16:30HPP L 21 »
Thu/107:45-16:30HPP L 21 »
Fri/107:45-16:30HPP L 21 »
F. Allain, A. D. Gossert, K. Wüthrich
551-1312-00LRNA-Biology II Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 14.

The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.

General safety regulations for all block courses:
-Whenever possible the distance rules have to be respected
-All students have to wear masks throughout the course. Please keep reserve masks ready. Surgical masks (IIR) or medical grade masks (FFP2) without a valve are permitted. Community masks (fabric masks) are not allowed.
-The installation and activation of the Swiss Covid-App is highly encouraged
-Any additional rules for individual courses have to be respected
-Students showing any COVID-19 symptoms are not allowed to enter ETH buildings and have to inform the course responsible
6 credits7P
551-1312-00 PRNA-Biology II
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
Block course in the 3rd quarter of the spring semester.
100s hrs
Tue/212:45-16:30HPL J 28 »
Wed/207:45-16:30HPL J 28 »
Thu/207:45-16:30HPL J 28 »
Fri/207:45-16:30HPL J 28 »
S. Jonas, F. Allain, J. Corn, U. Kutay, O. Voinnet
551-1414-00LMolecular and Structural Biology V: Studying Macromolecules by NMR and EPR4 credits2V
551-1414-00 VMolecular and Structural Biology V: Studying Macromolecules by NMR and EPR2 hrs
Thu15:45-17:30HPK D 3 »
F. Allain, A. D. Gossert, G. Jeschke, K. Wüthrich
551-1620-00LMolecular Biology, Biophysics1 credit1K
551-1620-00 KMolecular Biology, Biophysics
Raum: HPK D3
1 hrsby appt.R. Glockshuber, F. Allain, N. Ban, K. Locher, E. Weber-Ban, K. Wüthrich