Christian Erik Pohl: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2016

Name Prof. Dr. Christian Erik Pohl
Dep. Umweltsystemwissenschaften
ETH Zürich, CHN K 78
Universitätstrasse 16
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 63 10
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science
RelationshipAdjunct Professor

701-0007-00LTackling Environmental Problems I Restricted registration - show details
Only for Environmental Sciences BSc.
5 credits4GC. E. Pohl, P. Krütli, B. B. Pearce
AbstractEach year in the case study we analyse a different problem from the field of sustainable development and develop solutions to it.
Learning objectiveStudents are able:
- to compile a case study dossier for a given topic. The dossier presents (a) the state of knowledge and (b) the need for further knowledge and action.
- to integrate knowledge of diverse perspectives in a qualitative systems model, to identify problems within the system and to suggest possible solutions from a specific stakeholder's perspective.
- to make an inquiry on a given subject, structure the results, interpret the results in relation to the research question, write a report and present the results.
- name the different roles within a group, explain the role(s) they are suited for, self-organise in groups, identify problems of collaboration and constructively address the problems.
ContentIn the first semester the students compile what is known about the problem, its causes and possible solutions. Each group of students makes an inquiry to a given part of the overall problem. The inquiry includes a thematic as well as stakeholder analysis.

During synthesis week, which takes place during semester break, the results of the different part inquiries are integrated in a qualitative system model. The students identify specific problems within the system and develop solutions.

Most of the time students work independently in groups. Tutors support the students in key steps. Introductions are given for:
- The overall topic of the case study,
- Inquiry, scientific writing and managing references (by experts of ETH library),
- Role behaviour and collaboration in groups,
- Preparing reports, posters and presentations,
- Qualitative system modelling (Systaim),
- Developing solutions (design thinking, Checklands' soft systems methodology).
Lecture notesStudents will compile the case study dossier.
LiteratureLiterature on methods will be provided during the case study course.
701-0015-00LSeminar on Transdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development2 credits2SC. E. Pohl, M. Stauffacher
AbstractThe seminar is designed for students and researchers (MA, PhD, PostDoc) who use inter- and transdisciplinary elements in their projects. It addresses the challenges of this research: How to integrate disciplines? How (and in what role) to include societal actors? How to bring results to fruition? We discuss these questions based on case studies and theories and on the participant's projects.
Learning objectiveThe participants understand the specific challenges of inter- and transdisciplinary research in general and in the context of sustainable development in particular. They know methods and concepts to address these challenges and apply them to their research projects.
ContentThe seminar covers the following topics:
(1) Theories and concepts of inter- and transdisciplinary research
(2) The specific challenges of inter- and transdisciplinary research
(3) Involving stakeholders
(4) Collaborating disciplines
(5) Exploration of tools and methods
(6) Analysing participants' projects to improve inter- and transdisciplinary elements
LiteratureLiterature will be made available to the participants
Prerequisites / NoticeThe seminar is specifically suitable for PhD or PostDoc researchers. It is open to master students (minor "global change and sustainability") and further interested people, who preferably are preparing, or working on, a project/thesis.
701-1503-00LCCES Winter School "Science Meets Practice"4 credits9AC. Adler, P. Fry, P. Krütli, C. E. Pohl
AbstractIncreasingly, scientists need to interact more with people and institutions outside the scientific community. This requires the capability to understand and critically reflect about scientific activities and consequences for society and environment and to communicate with confidence. The CCES Winter School builds capacity to create and manage interactions between science and society.
Learning objective1. To acquire knowledge of key aspects of the interplay between science and practice
2. To reflect on and understand the role and consequences of scientific activity in relation to society and environment
3. To acquire skills and learn about a systematic application of methods to create and manage interactions between science and society
Content*** Please note that the correct dates for the CCES Winter School 2017 are 9-12 January and 6-9 February, 2017 ***

The CCES Winter School provides insights into theoretical and methodological foundations on the challenges of knowledge exchange and dialogue between science and practice. It offers media and knowledge management training for enhancing stakeholder involvement. Selected case examples support group work discussions and analysis. Real stakeholder meetings are organized for testing techniques in view of identifying diverse expectations and needs and working towards solutions. Together the Winter School participants and stakeholders experience and develop ways for better linking environmental science and practice.

The course is structured by an intimate interconnection between theoretical inputs, reflection and translation into own topics and projects. The course offers insights into a wide spectrum of crossing boundaries between science and practice (e.g. information, consultation, co-production of knowledge) and provides test fields for and room for reflection of own experiences.

The first block with inputs, individual and group work, and reflection is a preparation for the second block, which focuses on implementation of stakeholder interactions. Between the two blocks coached project work is offered.

The CCES Winter School takes place at Propstei Wislikofen in January and February 2017. Accommodation is provided.
Lecture notesCourse materials (e.g. slides, articles, toolboxes) are provided for preparatory reading and during the course (in Moodle).
LiteratureCollection of key literature in online reader in Moodle.
Prerequisites / Notice*** Please note that the correct dates for the CCES Winter School 2017 are 9-12 January and 6-9 February, 2017 ***

The CCES Winter School addresses PhD students and postdocs from environmental and natural sciences, engineering, and social sciences related to sustainable development. Participants are required to apply online providing key information about their interest and PhD project - details and application form can be found here:

The Winter School runs with a maximum of 25 participants.
The Winter School 2017 will be delivered by a diverse group of coaches and experienced intermediaries:
- Carolina Adler (USYS TdLab, ETH Zurich)
- Pius Krütli (USYS TdLab, ETH Zurich)
- Christian Pohl (USYS TdLab, ETH Zürich)
- Patricia Fry (Wissensmanagement Umwelt GmbH)
- Christoph Clases (AOC Unternehmensberatung)

The total time requirement is in the range of 120 hours, equivalent to 4 ECTS. The learning control focuses on i) active participation, engagement in case examples, and reflection against the background of own projects and experiences, 2) active team involvement in implementing tasks on information, consultation, and co-production of knowledge, including the design and organization of stakeholder meetings. The course is successfully completed by pass (pass/no pass, thus no marks). The language of the Winter School is English. Stakeholder meetings will be in the local language (Swiss German) and translation into English is provided.

There is a participation fee of 400 CHF for the course, which is a contribution to the costs for the two blocks at the seminar venue Propstei Wislikofen, organizational support as well as material for the stakeholder meetings. Travel expenses to the venue are to be borne by the participants.
701-1551-00LSustainability Assessment3 credits2GP. Krütli, C. E. Pohl
AbstractThe course deals with the concepts and methodologies for the analysis and assessment of sustainable development. A special focus is given to the social dimension and to social justice as a guiding principle of sustainability as well as to trade-offs between the three dimensions of sustainability.

The course is seminar-like, interactive.
Learning objectiveAt the end oft he course students should

- core concepts of sustainable development, and;
- the concept of social justice - normatively and empirically - as a core element of social sustainability;
- important empirical methods for the analysis and assessment of local / regional sustainability issues.

Understand and reflect on:
- the challenges of trade-offs between the different goals of sustainable development;
- and the respective impacts on individual and societal decision-making.
ContentThe course is structured as follows:
- Overview of rationale, objectives, concepts and origins of sustainable development;
- Importance and application of sustainability in science, politics, society, and economy;
- Sustainable (local / regional) development in different national / international contexts;
- Analysis and evaluation methods of sustainable development with a focus on social justice;
- Trade-offs in selected examples.
Lecture notesHandouts.
LiteratureSelected scientific articles & book chapters