Beate Escher: Courses in Spring Semester 2021

Name PD Dr. Beate Escher
FieldUmweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie
UFZ Leipzig
Permoser Strasse 15
Department Zelltoxikologie
04318 Leipzig
Telephone+49 3412351244
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science

701-0998-00LEnvironmental and Human Health Risk Assessment of Chemicals3 credits2G
701-0998-00 GEnvironmental and Human Health Risk Assessment of Chemicals
Lectures will be conducted in person or online, depending on the situation of the corona pandemic.
This block course will take place from 6 September 2021 to 17 September 2021 with a combination of lectures, exercises and student presentations. Student presentations of chemical risk assessment results will take place on 16 and 17 September 2021.
Submission by each student of a written risk assessment dossier by 30 September 2021.
32s hrs
06.09. - 10.09.08:15-17:00CHN E 46 »
13.09. - 17.09.08:15-17:00ML H 37.1 »
M. Scheringer, B. Escher