Florian von Wangenheim: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2019

NameHerr Prof. Dr. Florian von Wangenheim
Professur f. Technologiemarketing
ETH Zürich, WEV J 409
Weinbergstr. 56/58
8092 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 632 69 24
DepartementManagement, Technologie und Ökonomie
BeziehungOrdentlicher Professor

351-0778-00LDiscovering Management
Entry level course in management for BSc, MSc and PHD students at all levels not belonging to D-MTEC. This course can be complemented with Discovering Management (Excercises) 351-0778-01.
3 KP3GB. Clarysse, S. Brusoni, E. Fleisch, G. Grote, V. Hoffmann, T. Netland, G. von Krogh, F. von Wangenheim
KurzbeschreibungDiscovering Management offers an introduction to the field of business management and entrepreneurship for engineers and natural scientists. The module provides an overview of the principles of management, teaches knowledge about management that is highly complementary to the students' technical knowledge, and provides a basis for advancing the knowledge of the various subjects offered at D-MTEC.
LernzielDiscovering Management combines in an innovate format a set of lectures and an advanced business game. The learning model for Discovering Management involves 'learning by doing'. The objective is to introduce the students to the relevant topics of the management literature and give them a good introduction in entrepreneurship topics too. The course is a series of lectures on the topics of strategy, innovation, corporate finance, leadership, design thinking and corporate social responsibility. While the 14 different lectures provide the theoretical and conceptual foundations, the experiential learning outcomes result from the interactive business game. The purpose of the business game is to analyse the innovative needs of a large multinational company and develop a business case for the company to grow. This business case is as relevant to someone exploring innovation within an organisation as it is if you are planning to start your own business. By discovering the key aspects of entrepreneurial management, the purpose of the course is to advance students' understanding of factors driving innovation, entrepreneurship, and company success.
InhaltDiscovering Management aims to broaden the students' understanding of the principles of business management, emphasizing the interdependence of various topics in the development and management of a firm. The lectures introduce students not only to topics relevant for managing large corporations, but also touch upon the different aspects of starting up your own venture. The lectures will be presented by the respective area specialists at D-MTEC.
The course broadens the view and understanding of technology by linking it with its commercial applications and with society. The lectures are designed to introduce students to topics related to strategy, corporate innovation, leadership, corporate and entrepreneurial finance, value chain analysis, corporate social responsibility, and business model innovation. Practical examples from industry experts will stimulate the students to critically assess these issues. Creative skills will be trained by the business game exercise, a participant-centered learning activity, which provides students with the opportunity to place themselves in the role of Chief Innovation Officer of a large multinational company. As they learn more about the specific case and identify the challenge they are faced with, the students will have to develop an innovative business case for this multinational corporation. Doing so, this exercise will provide an insight into the context of managerial problem-solving and corporate innovation, and enhance the students' appreciation for the complex tasks companies and managers deal with. The business game presents a realistic model of a company and provides a valuable learning platform to integrate the increasingly important development of the skills and competences required to identify entrepreneurial opportunities, analyse the future business environment and successfully respond to it by taking systematic decisions, e.g. critical assessment of technological possibilities.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesDiscovering Management is designed to suit the needs and expectations of Bachelor students at all levels as well as Master and PhD students not belonging to D-MTEC. By providing an overview of Business Management, this course is an ideal enrichment of the standard curriculum at ETH Zurich.
No prior knowledge of business or economics is required to successfully complete this course.
363-0403-00LIntroduction to Marketing3 KP2GF. von Wangenheim, M. Zimmer
KurzbeschreibungThe course is designed to convey a profound understanding of marketing's role in modern firms, its interactions and interfaces with other disciplines, its main instruments and recent trends. Particular attention is given to emerging marketing concepts and instruments, and the role of marketing in technology firms.
LernzielAfter taking the lecture, students should have knowledge about
1) The definition and role of marketing (marketing basics)
2) Creating marketing insights - understanding customer behavior
- Theoretical concepts in customer behavior (customer behavior)
- Analytical means to extend knowledge on customer behavior (marketing research)
- Strategic tools to quantify customer behavior (CLV, CE)
3) Strategic marketing - translating marketing insights into actionable marketing strategies
- Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
- Attracting customers (marketing mix, 4Ps)
- Maintaining profitable customer relations (CRM)
InhaltThe course is designed to convey a profound understanding of marketing's role in modern firms, its interactions and interfaces with other disciplines, its main instruments and recent trends. Particular attention is given to emerging marketing concepts and instruments, and the role of marketing in technology firms.

The lecture features tutorial sessions that are held at irregularly spaced intervals throughout the semester (approximately every third week). The tutorial sessions take place at the same time and location as the main lecture. They serve to illustrate theoretical and methodological concepts from the lecture by walking students through basic marketing data analyses, where students can practice and apply the concepts of the lecture on their own. The tutorial is held jointly by three teaching assistants (Sandro Arnet, Zhiying Cui, and Jana Gross) and the professor (Prof. F. von Wangenheim).
LiteraturKotler, P./Armstrong, G.: Principles of Marketing, 17th edition, Pearson 2017.
Weekly readings, distributed in class (via Moodle)
363-1051-00LCases in Technology Marketing Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 20.

Students have to apply for this course by sending a CV and an one-page motivation letter to Marcus Zimmer: mzimmer@ethz.ch.
Additionally please enroll via myStudies. Places will be assigned on the basis of your motivation letter.
3 KP1GF. von Wangenheim, S. Schär
KurzbeschreibungThe seminar “Cases in Technology Marketing” introduces students to key concepts and tools in technology marketing and familiarizes them subsequently with the challenges that (marketing) managers face in technology intensive markets by using real life cases.
Lernziel1. Understanding and applying common business tools and frameworks
2. Understanding current challenges of managers in technology intensive markets
3. Defining and analyzing comprehensive business problems using the example of a leading Swiss manufacturing company (Bühler AG)
4. Developing and evaluating different alternative case solutions
5. Making decisions on case solutions, justifying and defending them
6. Transferring case solutions into practice by formulating specific instructions for the management
7. Creation of novel, innovative ideas that help the company to gain a competitive edge
8. Cooperation in teams and coordination of team tasks
9. Adequate communication to and eye-level discussions with C-level managers
InhaltThe seminar “Cases in Technology Marketing” introduces students to key concepts and tools in technology marketing and familiarizes them subsequently with the challenges that (marketing) managers face in technology intensive markets by using real life cases.
Students will have to solve past, current and future managerial problems and will be enabled to compare their solutions with what has actually been done or is yet to be done.

The three case studies cover real managerial issues of the Swiss manufacturer Bühler AG (www.buhlergroup.com). A Bühler top executive will present the cases and discuss the students' presentations and solutions.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesIn addition to course enrolment, students have to apply for this course by sending a CV and a short motivation letter until 26.9.2019 to mzimmer@ethz.ch.
364-1013-06LMarketing Theory Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
Number of participants limited to 18.
2 KP1GF. von Wangenheim
KurzbeschreibungThe course is taught Florian Wangenheim (ETHZ)

It focuses on the theoretical foundations of marketing and marketing research.
LernzielThe purpose of the course is to confront students with current theoretical thinking in marketing, and currently used theories for understanding and explaining buyer and customer behavior in reponse to marketing action.
InhaltIn the first class, current understanding of the marketing literature and marketing thought is discussed.
In the following classes, various theories are discussed, particularly in light of their importance for marketing. Economic, pschological and sociological theory will be related to current marketing thought.
364-1064-00LInaugural Seminar - Doctoral Retreat Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Pre-registration upon invitation required.
Once your pre-registration has been confirmed, a registration in myStudies is possible.
1 KP1SS. Feuerriegel, P. Schmid, S. Brusoni, R. Finger, G. Grote, T. Netland, F. von Wangenheim
KurzbeschreibungThis course is geared towards first and second-year doctoral candidates of MTEC. It is held as in a workshop style. Students attending this seminar will benefit from interdisciplinary discussions and insights into current and future work in business and economics research.
LernzielThe purpose of this course is to
- introduce doctoral candidates to the world of economics, management and systems research at MTEC
- make doctoral candidates aware of silo-thinking in the specific sub-disciplines and encourage them to go beyond those silos
- discuss current issues with regard to substantive, methodological and theoretical domains of research in the respective fields