Otmar Hilliges: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2016 |
Name | Herr Prof. Dr. Otmar Hilliges |
Namensvarianten | Otmar Hilliges |
Lehrgebiet | Informatik |
Adresse | Professur für Informatik ETH Zürich, STD H 24 Stampfenbachstrasse 48 8092 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
Telefon | +41 44 632 39 56 |
otmar.hilliges@inf.ethz.ch | |
URL | http://people.inf.ethz.ch/otmarh |
Departement | Informatik |
Beziehung | Ordentlicher Professor |
Nummer | Titel | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende | |
252-0206-00L | Visual Computing | 8 KP | 4V + 3U | M. Gross, O. Hilliges | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This course acquaints students with core knowledge in computer graphics, image processing, multimedia and computer vision. Topics include: Graphics pipeline, perception and camera models, transformation, shading, global illumination, texturing, sampling, filtering, image representations, image and video compression, edge detection and optical flow. | ||||
Lernziel | This course provides an in-depth introduction to the core concepts of computer graphics, image processing, multimedia and computer vision. The course forms a basis for the specialization track Visual Computing of the CS master program at ETH. | ||||
Inhalt | Course topics will include: Graphics pipeline, perception and color models, camera models, transformations and projection, projections, lighting, shading, global illumination, texturing, sampling theorem, Fourier transforms, image representations, convolution, linear filtering, diffusion, nonlinear filtering, edge detection, optical flow, image and video compression. In theoretical and practical homework assignments students will learn to apply and implement the presented concepts and algorithms. | ||||
Skript | A scriptum will be handed out for a part of the course. Copies of the slides will be available for download. We will also provide a detailed list of references and textbooks. | ||||
Literatur | Markus Gross: Computer Graphics, scriptum, 1994-2005 | ||||
252-3110-00L | Human Computer Interaction | 4 KP | 2V + 1U | O. Hilliges, M. Norrie | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The course provides an introduction to the field of human-computer interaction, emphasising the central role of the user in system design. Through detailed case studies, students will be introduced to different methods used to analyse the user experience and shown how these can inform the design of new interfaces, systems and technologies. | ||||
Lernziel | The goal of the course is that students should understand the principles of user-centred design and be able to apply these in practice. | ||||
Inhalt | The course will introduce students to various methods of analysing the user experience, showing how these can be used at different stages of system development from requirements analysis through to usability testing. Students will get experience of designing and carrying out user studies as well as analysing results. The course will also cover the basic principles of interaction design. Practical exercises related to touch and gesture-based interaction will be used to reinforce the concepts introduced in the lecture. To get students to further think beyond traditional system design, we will discuss issues related to ambient information and awareness. | ||||
263-2920-00L | Machine Learning for Interactive Systems and Advanced Programming Tools | 2 KP | 2S | O. Hilliges, M. Vechev | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Seminar on the intersection of machine learning, interactive systems and advanced concepts in programming and programming tools. | ||||
Lernziel | The seminar will cover a variety of machine learning models and algorithms (including deep neural networks) and will discuss their applications in a diverse set of domains. Furthermore, the seminar will discuss how domain knowledge is integrated into vanilla ML models. | ||||
Inhalt | Seminars often suffer from poor attention retention and low student engagement. This is often due to the format of the seminar where only one student reads papers in-depth and then prepares a long presentation about one or sometimes several papers. There is little reason for the other students to really pay attention or engage in the discussion. To improve this the seminar will use a case-study format where all students read the same paper each week but fulfill different roles and hence prepare with different viewpoints in mind. Student roles/instructions The seminar is organized with each student taking one of the following roles on a rotating basis: Conference Reviewer (e.g., reviewer of UIST/ICML/PLDI ): Complete a full critical review of the paper. Use the original review from and come to a recommendation whether the paper should be accepted or not. Historian: Find out how this paper sits in the context of the related work. Use bibliography tools to find the most influential papers cited by this work and at least one paper influenced by the work (and summarize the two papers). PhD student: Propose a follow-up project for your own research based on this paper - importantly the project should be directly inspired by the paper or even use/extend the method proposed. Hacker: Implement a (simplified) version of the core aspect of the paper. Prepare a demo for the seminar. In case the complexity is too high perform an in-depth analysis of reproducibility of the paper. Detective: Find out background information about the authors. Where did they work when the paper was published; what was their role; who else have they published with; which prior work of the authors may have inspired the current paper? Students may contact the authors (but need to adhere to politeness and courteous manners and stay on topic in their conversations). All students (every week): Come up with alternative title; find a missing result that the paper should have included. | ||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Participation will be limited subject to available topics. |