Burkhard Ludewig: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2016

NameHerr PD Dr. Burkhard Ludewig

551-1171-00LImmunology: from Milestones to Current Topics4 KP2SB. Ludewig, J. Kisielow, M. Kopf, A. Oxenius, Uni-Dozierende
KurzbeschreibungMilestones in Immunology: on old concepts and modern experiments
LernzielThe course will cover six grand topics in immunology (B cells, innate immunity, antigen presentation, tumor immunity, thymus and T cells, cytotoxic T cells and NK cells) and for each grand topic four hours will be allocated. During the first double hour, historical milestone papers will be presented by the supervisor providing an overview on the development of the conceptional framework and critical technological advances. The students will also prepare themselves for this double lecture by reading the historical milestone papers and contributing to the discussion. In the following lecture up to four students will present each a recent high impact research paper which emerged from the landmark achievements of the previously discussed milestone concepts.
InhaltMilestones and current topics of innate immunity, antigen presentatino, B cells, thymus and T cells, cytotoxic T cells and NK cells, and tumor immunology.
SkriptOriginal and review articles will be distributed by the lecturer.
LiteraturLiteraturunterlagen werden vor Beginn des Kurses auf folgender website zugänglich sein: Moodle Course https://moodle-app2.let.ethz.ch/course/view.php?id=1002