Isabelle Mansuy: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2021 |
Name | Frau Prof. Dr. Isabelle Mansuy |
Lehrgebiet | Neuroepigenetik |
Adresse | Institut für Neurowissenschaften ETH Zürich, Y55 H 66 Winterthurerstrasse 190 8057 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
Telefon | +41 44 635 33 60 |
Fax | +41 44 635 33 03 | | |
Departement | Gesundheitswissenschaften und Technologie |
Beziehung | Ordentliche Professorin |
Nummer | Titel | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende | |
376-1346-00L | Study of Epigenetic Mechanisms in Mental Health ![]() Number of participants limited to 10. The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration. General safety regulations for all block courses: -Whenever possible the distance rules have to be respected. -All students have to wear masks throughout the course. Please keep reserve masks ready. Surgical masks (IIR) or medical grade masks (FFP2) without a valve are permitted. Community masks (fabric masks) are not allowed. -The installation and activation of the Swiss Covid-App is highly encouraged. -Any additional rules for individual courses have to be respected. -Students showing any COVID-19 symptoms are not allowed to enter ETH buildings and have to inform the course responsible. | 6 KP | 7P | I. Mansuy | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This block course is focused on the study of the epigenetic mechanisms that regulate complex brain functions and behavior. It provides an overview of molecular methods used in experimental mice or in human samples to investigate epigenetic processes that control genome activity and gene expression, and are associated with cognitive functions and behavioral responses. | ||||
Lernziel | The purpose is to learn the principles of major methods in epigenetics that allow examine genome activity at the level of DNA, RNA or protein, in the context of complex brain functions. | ||||
Inhalt | 4 independent projects for 3 students each covering various aspects of epigenetic mechanisms. It will focus on state-of-the-art techniques to measure or manipulate gene expression and gene activity in the adult brain or in cell culture, and analyse the effects in vitro or in vivo using omics analyses, molecular and biochemical tools and behavioral testing. | ||||
Skript | Provided at the beginning of the practical. | ||||
376-1414-01L | Current Topics in Brain Research (FS) | 1 KP | 1.5K | I. Mansuy, F. Helmchen, weitere Dozierende | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Es werden verschiedene wissenschaftliche Gäste aus dem In-und Ausland eingeladen, um ihre aktuellen Forschungsdaten zu präsentieren und diskutieren. | ||||
Lernziel | Es soll der Austausch von wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und Daten sowie die Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Forschenden gefördert werden. Studierende, welche den Kurs belegen, besuchen während eines Semesters alle Seminare und schreiben einen kritischen Report über ein Seminar ihrer Wahl. Die Anleitung dazu erhalten eingeschriebene Studierende von Prof. Isabelle Mansuy / Dr. Alberto Corcoba 1 Woche vor Semesterbeginn. | ||||
Inhalt | Verschiedene wissenschaftliche Gäste aus den Bereichen Neuroepigenetik, Neurochemie, Neuromorphologie und Neurophysiologie berichten über ihre neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse. | ||||
Skript | kein Skript | ||||
Literatur | keine Literatur |