Karsten Kunze: Lerneinheiten im Herbstsemester 2019

NameHerr Dr. Karsten Kunze
ETH Zürich, HPM D 46
Otto-Stern-Weg 3
8093 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 632 56 95
DepartementErd- und Planetenwissenschaften

327-0702-00LEM-Practical Course in Materials Science2 KP4PK. Kunze, S. Gerstl, F. Gramm, F. Krumeich, J. Reuteler
327-0703-00LElectron Microscopy in Material Science4 KP2V + 2UK. Kunze, R. Erni, S. Gerstl, F. Gramm, A. Käch, F. Krumeich, M. Willinger
327-2125-00LMicroscopy Training SEM I - Introduction to SEM Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
The number of participants is limited. In case of overbooking, the course will be repeated once. All registrations will be recorded on the waiting list.

For PhD students, postdocs and others, a fee will be charged (http://www.scopem.ethz.ch/education/MTP.html).

All applicants must additionally register on this form: Link
The selected applicants will be contacted and asked for confirmation a few weeks before the course date.
2 KP3PP. Zeng, A. G. Bittermann, S. Gerstl, L. Grafulha Morales, K. Kunze, J. Reuteler
651-1851-00LEinführung in die Rasterelektronenmikroskopie1 KP2GK. Kunze, J. Allaz, L. Grafulha Morales