Christophorus Grab: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2018

NameHerr Prof. em. Dr. Christophorus Grab
Inst. f. Teilchen- und Astrophysik
ETH Zürich, HPK E 28
Otto-Stern-Weg 5
8093 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 633 20 22
BeziehungTitularprofessor im Ruhestand

402-0600-00LNuclear and Particle Physics with Applications0 KP2SA. Rubbia, G. Dissertori, C. Grab, K. S. Kirch, R. Wallny
KurzbeschreibungResearch colloquium
402-0719-BSLParticle Physics at PSI (Paul Scherrer Institute) Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 9 KP18PC. Grab
KurzbeschreibungDuring semester breaks 6-12 students stay for 3 weeks at PSI and participate in a hands-on course on experimental particle physics. A small real experiment is performed in common, including apparatus design, construction, running and data analysis. The course includes some lectures, but the focus lies on the practical aspects of experimenting.
LernzielStudents learn all the different steps it takes to perform a complete particle physics experiment in a small team. They acquire skills to do this themselves in the team, including design, construction, data taking and data analysis.
402-0719-MSLParticle Physics at PSI (Paul Scherrer Institute) Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 9 KP18PC. Grab
KurzbeschreibungDuring semester breaks 6-12 students stay for 3 weeks at PSI and participate in a hands-on course on experimental particle physics. A small real experiment is performed in common, including apparatus design, construction, running and data analysis. The course includes some lectures, but the focus lies on the practical aspects of experimenting.
LernzielStudents learn all the different steps it takes to perform a complete particle physics experiment in a small team. They acquire skills to do this themselves in the team, including design, construction, data taking and data analysis.
402-0746-00LSeminar: Particle and Astrophysics (Aktuelles aus der Teilchen- und Astrophysik)0 KP1SC. Grab, Uni-Dozierende
InhaltIn Seminarvorträgen werden aktuelle Fragestellungen aus der Teilchenphysik vom theoretischen und experimentellen Standpunkt aus diskutiert. Besonders wichtig erscheint uns der Bezug zu den eigenen Forschungsmöglichkeiten am PSI, CERN und DESY.
402-2000-00LScientific Works in Physics
Master-Studierende, welche noch keine entsprechende Ausbildung vorweisen können.

Weisung Link
0 KPC. Grab
KurzbeschreibungLiterature Review: ETH-Library, Journals in Physics, Google Scholar; Thesis Structure: The IMRAD Model; Document Processing: LaTeX and BibTeX, Mathematical Writing, AVETH Survival Guide; ETH Guidelines for Integrity; Authorship Guidelines; ETH Citation Etiquettes; Declaration of Originality.
LernzielBasic standards for scientific works in physics: How to write a Master Thesis. What to know about research integrity.