Cammy Brothers: Lehrveranstaltungen im Frühjahrssemester 2021

NameFrau Prof. Dr. Cammy Brothers
Elisabet Jönsson
St.-Franscini-Platz 5, HIL D 62.1
I. f. Geschichte/Theorie der Arch.
8093 Zürich

063-0806-00LInputs From Outside In the Field of History and Theory of Architecture (Guest Professor's Lecture) Information
This core course (ends with «00L») can only be passed once! Please check this before signing up.
2 KP2V
063-0806-00 VInputs From Outside In the Field of History and Theory of Architecture (Guest Professor's Lecture)
Lecturer: Cammy Brothers, Guest Professor.
No course on 26.3. (seminar week), 3./10.4. (Easter Holidays), Public Holidays and before the final critiques (s. room reservations).
2 Std.
Fr13:45-15:30HIL E 6 »
C. Brothers, M. Delbeke, L. Stalder