Tomas Brenner: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2021

NameHerr Dr. Tomas Brenner
ETH Entrepreneurship
ETH Zürich, WEC E 16
Weinbergstrasse 11
8092 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 633 83 95
DepartementManagement, Technologie und Ökonomie

373-0104-00LLegal Aspects of Starting & Growing a Business Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for CAS in Entrepreneurial Leadership in Technology Ventures.
1 KP1GT. Brenner
KurzbeschreibungThis module helps build a specific understanding of the immediate regulatory environment in Switzerland and zooms into specific aspects of tax law, employment regulations, etc. that will be relevant for the build-​up of a new legal entity in Switzerland. 
LernzielThis module enables participants:
- To develop competence and confidence in making important formal decisions when setting up their business and understanding the far-​reaching implications of those decisions (e.g., location, tax, legal form, etc.)
- To understand key terms and financial implications of important venture operations (e.g. payroll, social security, insurances, ESOPs & incentive plans)
- To lay the foundations and prepare for growth and expansion (e.g., international contracting, legal aspects of the Board of Directors, SLAs).
373-0203-00LBusiness Development of Technology Ventures II Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for CAS in Entrepreneurial Leadership in Technology Ventures.
2 KP2PT. Brenner
KurzbeschreibungThis module focuses on the development needs for participants' business skills and competencies. Experienced business coaches and mentors will interact regularly with participants, offer guidance on how to strategize and implement business cases. They will give feedback on challenges and activities and help participants strengthen their abilities to garner needed resources for their undertakings.
LernzielThis module enables participants:
- To identify key unknowns and important progress measures for their respective business case and implement effective means and tools to further develop their business case
- To understand the view of potential customers and implement their feedback to improve the business case
- To effectively communicate and enrol other important venture constituents (mentors, advisors, employees, investors, etc.) in the venture.
373-0205-00LFinal Business Project Defense Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for CAS in Entrepreneurial Leadership in Technology Ventures.
1 KPB. Clarysse, T. Brenner, J. Thiel
KurzbeschreibungThis module focuses on the development needs for both the participants' presentation and resource mobilization skills. The participants are asked to bring all learnings from the CAS and defend in engaging manner their business projects. This defense is typically delivered in presence of external investors or venture stakeholders who will challenge the project and potentially offer future support.
LernzielThis module enables participants:
- To reflect upon and integrate important and relevant elements from the CAS into the venture project
- To practice effective business communication and venture pitching skills
- To receive and handle challenging feedback from important venture constituents.
373-0300-00LInternational Study Trip & Venture Communication Skills Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for CAS in Entrepreneurial Leadership in Technology Ventures.
3 KP3PT. Brenner
KurzbeschreibungThe study trip exposes the participants to another vibrant global start-up ecosystem with immersion into a local community of high-growth founders and ecosystem actors. They will network with peer start-ups, pitch to local investors, engage with industry partners, and talk to potential customers. In addition, participants will strengthen their pitching & communication skills through workshops.
LernzielThis module enables particpants:
- To get inspired and appreciate a different entrepreneurial ecosystem with different values and aspirations compared to the home ecosystem
- To challenge and revise their strategic goals through interaction with parties from diverse experience backgrounds and with different communication styles
- To make important business connections and explore partnerning options in a different geographic setting
- Practice and polish effective pitching (i.e. convincing) toward different new venture constituents, e.g., investor, customers, partners and employees.