Anna Deréky: Lerneinheiten im Frühjahrssemester 2021

NameFrau Dr. Anna Deréky
DepartementManagement, Technologie und Ökonomie

363-1056-00LInnovation Leadership Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
MIBS: This course must be taken in the first year of coursework.

Up to four slots are available for students in architecture or civil engineering (Master level) or for D-MTEC MAS/MSc students with architecture or civil engineering background.

If you are NOT a student in Integrated Building Systems, you need to apply with motivation letter (max. 1 page), CV and a transcript of records no later than 31.01.2021. Please send your application to Jan Richner (
6 KP3SD. Laureiro Martinez, A. Deréky, C. P. Siegenthaler