Verena Griess: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2021

Name Prof. Dr. Verena Griess
FieldForest Resources Management
Management Forstlicher Ressourcen
ETH Zürich, CHN K 72.2
Universitätstrasse 16
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 32 10
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science
RelationshipFull Professor

701-0560-00LPractical Forests and Landscapes Information Restricted registration - show details
RESTRICTION OF ADMISSION: Only BSc students of the UMNW programme who have chosen the specialisation Forest and Landscape will be admitted.

The lecture "701-0303-00 Waldvegetation und Waldstandorte" is an important background for the excursions "Standortkunde". Participation is strongely recommended.

General safety regulations for all pratical course:
-Whenever possible the distance rules have to be respected
-All students have to wear masks throughout the course (keep reserve masks ready)
-The installation and activation of the Swiss Covid-App is highly encouraged
-Any additional rules for individual courses have to be respected
-Students showing any COVID-19 symptoms are not allowed to enter ETH buildings and have to inform the course responsible
7 credits14PH. Bugmann, V. Griess, M. Ibrahim, F. Kienast, M. Lévesque, T. N. Sieber, S. Zimmermann
AbstractIn this practical, students get to know important field and laboratory methods of forest and landscape research as well as landscape management. They apply these methods in the context of small projects. The practical consists of three parts: Ecology (both forest and landscape), Site Classification (soil science & vegetation science), and Land Management.
Learning objectiveStudents
- know the most important methods of field research in selected branches of forest and
landscape science
- can apply these methods independently on the context of a project
- are in the position to interpret data from field sampling correctly, and can use them to
answer applied research questions
Lecture notesSkripte und weitere Unterrichtsmaterialien werden während den einzelnen Praktikumsteilen bereitgestellt. Für den Teil Standortskunde steht ein 240-seitiger Führer zur Verfügung (deutsch).
Prerequisites / NoticeFor this practical, it is recommended that students have some knowledge in the following subjects (besides the core courses of the specialization "Wald und Landschaft"):

- Site classification: The elective course "Site classification and plant communities" (6th semester) is a prerequisite for the understandig of the contents given in the part "site classification" in this practical.
- Geographic Information Systems (e.g. elective course "GIST - Introduction to spacial information science and technologies", 5th semester)
- Soils (e.g. elective course "Ökologie von Waldböden", 6th semester)
- Tree species diversity (elective course "Introduction to Dendrology" and "Woody Plants of Central Europe"
- Systematic botany (e.g. biodiversity excursions - plant diversity, 2th semester)
701-1674-00LSpatial Analysis, Modelling and Optimisation Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 25.

Prerequisites: 701-0951-00L "GIS - Introduction into Geoinformation Science" in autum semester or comparable preparatory training.
5 credits4GM. A. M. Niederhuber, V. Griess
AbstractProblems encountered in forest- and landscape management often have a spatial dimension. Methods and technics of geoinformation sciences GIS and/or optimization give support to identify good solutions. Students learn to conceptualize, implement and combine I) spatial analysis & modeling of geodata and, II) optimization techniques, based on theoretical inputs and practical work on small projects.
Learning objectiveUnderstand, search for, and manage various types of geospatial data; Carry out conceptual data modelling for a spatial and/or optimisation problem and translate it into a tangible form within a GIS software; Conceptualize spatial and/or optimisation problems and design a workflow that transitions from "data processing" through "advanced spatial analysis" to "presentation of results"; Implement such a workflow in standard GIS and/or optimisation software, verify and validate the procedures, then present the final results.
Prerequisites / NoticeKnowledge and skills equal those of the course "GIST - Einführung in die räumliche Informationswissenschaften und Technologien"