Verena Griess: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2021

Name Prof. Dr. Verena Griess
FieldForest Resources Management
Management Forstlicher Ressourcen
ETH Zürich, CHN K 72.2
Universitätstrasse 16
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 32 10
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science
RelationshipFull Professor

701-0565-00LFundamentals of Natural Hazards Management
Does not take place this semester.
3 credits3GV. Griess, B. Krummenacher, S. Löw
AbstractRisks to life and human assets result when settlement areas and infrastructure overlap regions where natural hazard processes occur. This course utilizes case studies to teach how a future natural hazards-specialist should analyze, assess and manage risks.
Learning objectiveConcepts will be explained step-by-step through a set of case studies, and applied in lab by the students. The following principal steps are used when coping with natural hazard-risks. At each step, students will learn and apply the following skills:
Risk analysis - What can happen?
-Characterize the processes and environmental measures that lead to a natural hazard and integrate modeling results of these processes.
- Identify threats to human life and assets exposed to natural hazards and estimate possible drawbacks or damages.
Risk assessment - What are the acceptable levels of risk?
- Apply principles to determine acceptable risks to human life and assets in order to identify locations which should receive added protection.
- Explain causes for conflicts between risk perception and risk analysis.
Risk management - What steps should be taken to manage risks?
- Explain how various hazard mitigation approaches reduce risk.
- Describe hazard scenarios as a base for adequate dimensioning of control measures.
- Identify the best alternative from a set of thinkable measures based on an evaluation scheme.
- Explain the principles of risk-governance.
ContentDie Vorlesung besteht aus folgenden Blöcken:
1) Einführung ins Vorgehenskonzept (1W)
2) Risikoanalyse (6W + Exkursion) mit:
- Systemabgrenzung
- Gefahrenbeurteilung
- Expositions- und Folgenanalyse
3) Risikobewertung (2W)
4) Risikomanagement (2W + Exkursion)
5) Abschlussbesprechung (1W)