Amy Perkins: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2021

NameMs Amy Perkins

052-0552-00LThe Architecture of Maintenance (FS) Information Restricted registration - show details
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2 credits2GA. Perkins, N. Zimonjic
AbstractIn this elective course we will interrogate the possibilities of repair as a method for a new kind of architectural design model, as a disciplinary response in the era of climatic change. The course should pose range of questions and challenges to conventional building economies, standards of construction industry ranging in scale from urban to material choices.
Learning objective- Investigate design research methods through analyses of architectural examples that focus on repair.
- Produce an in-depth survey of the maintenance of one building in the form of a Maintenance Manual.
- Question and suggest improvements to repair methods applied in the
contemporary building culture.
- Compare possibilities of repair-as-design method in multiple disciplines
(art, landscape, medicine, industry, software, etc) with the help of
invited specialist guests.
ContentCan we practice architecture, with the care of a gardener?
In this weekly elective course, the goal will be to look at repair as a possible method for a new kind of design. As a disciplinary response in an era of climatic change, it is envisioned that this study should pose a range of questions to challenge conventional building economies and the durability of the constructed environment. We will interrogate and look for ways of improving and repairing standards of construction industry ranging in scale from the urban to material choices. The methods developed and gathered should become an outline of experimental possibilities for designers and practitioners who face the growing challenge of a lack of newly built form, and ever growing need to address the existing built substance, with an outlook to a conflict between construction industry standards orientated toward new buildings and acknowledged methods of prolongation and altering architecture. Instead of aspiring to build new, can we as a generation focus mainly on what is already there.
Using the knowledge you gather, you will work in pairs to create one annotated architectural drawing which attempts to reveal the information which lacks. The drawing will be passed or sent to your partner each week for additions, removals, edits and comments, and we will review these drawings during the two-hour slot each week.
LiteraturePeter Maxwell. ‘A Dangerous Breed’. Originally published in FORM 246, 2013
Herman E. Daly. ‘Wealth, Illth and Net Growth’. In: From Uneconomic Growth to a Steady- State Economy (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2014)
Michael Thompson, Rubbish Theory (Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1979) Ch.3 ‘Rat
infested slum or glorious heritage?’ p.34-56
Arjun Appdurai. The Social Life of Things (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1986)
p.3-63 ‘Introduction: commodities and the politics of value’
Peter Maxwell, ‘Understanding Repair’ In: Useless (London: Royal College of Art, Critical
Writing in Art & Design, 2012)
Alvaro Siza, Living in a House, March 1994, Originally published in: Kenneth Frampton,
Álvaro Siza: Complete Works (London: Phaidon, 2000. p252)
Tim Ingold, ‘Skill’. In: The Perception of the Environment Essays on Livelihood, Dwelling
and Skill, London: Routledge, 2000
Tim Ingold, ‘Building, Dwelling, Living’. In: The Perception of the Environment Essays on
Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill, London: Routledge, 2000
Beatriz Colomina, “The Split Wall: Domestic Voyeurism” Sexuality and Space (New York:
Princeton Architectural Press, 1992)
Charlotte Perkins Gillman, The Home, its Work and Influence (New York: Charlton
Company. 1910) Ch2. ‘The Evolution of the Home’ p.14-35
Charlotte Perkins Gillman, The Home, its Work and Influence (New York: Charlton
Company. 1910) Ch2. ‘The Home as Workshop. I. The Housewife’ p.82-103
Vishmidt, Marina. ‘Management and Maintenance’. In Look at Hazards, Look at Losses,
edited by Anthony Iles, Danny
Mirales Ladermann Ukeles. ‘Manifesto for Maintenance Art’
Mary Douglas. Purity and Danger (London and New York: Routledge Classics.2002) p. 1-35
Elinor Ostrom. Governing the Commons (New York: Cambridge University Press. 1990) Ch.
3 ‘Analyzing long-enduring, self-organizing, and self-governing CPRs’ p.58-102
William Cronon. ‘The Wealth of Nature, Lumber’ In Nature’s Metropolis
Gilles Clement. The Planetary Garden (Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press: 2015)
Donald Worster. ‘History as Natural History’, In: The Wealth of Nature (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1993)
Peter Wohlleben, The Hidden Life of Trees. Translated by Jane Billinghurst. (London:
William Collins. 2016) p.1-18, p.241-250