Gabriele Raino: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2022

NameHerr Dr. Gabriele Raino
Anorganische Funktionsmaterialien
ETH Zürich, HCI H 125
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
8093 Zürich
DepartementChemie und Angewandte Biowissenschaften

227-1831-10LCase Studies: Applications of Quantum Technology Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for Quantum Engineering MSc
3 KP6GG. Raino, M. Frimmer
KurzbeschreibungIn this course students will be exposed to different topics of quantum engineering and develop ideas for possible projects. Based on presentations by ETH labs participating in the MSc QE program and with the assistance of a mentor students will work in groups to develop concrete plans for a quantum experiment.
LernzielAcquire a broad overview of quantum engineering activities at ETH and develop own ideas about future quantum engineering projects.
227-1873-10LQuanTech Workshops Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for Quantum Engineering MSc.
12 KPG. Raino, M. Frimmer
KurzbeschreibungThe QuanTech Workshops are a project-oriented learning environment in the context of quantum technology. Students work in teams, consisting of engineers and physicists, and jointly tackle a quantum engineering project. During the preceding course "Case Studies: Application of Quantum Technologies", students develop project proposals. Successful proposals will be realized in a QuanTech Workshop.
LernzielStudents practice development, planning, and execution of a project in the quantum engineering domain. By working in close collaboration with senior scientists and professors from the two departments D-ITET and D-PHYS, the goal is to provide solutions for pressing challenges in in the field of quantum technologies.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesAttendance of "227-1831-10L Case Studies: Applications of Quantum Technology" and successful "QuanTech Workshop" proposal.