Teresa Galí-Izard: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2022

NameFrau Prof. Teresa Galí-Izard
Professur Landschaftsarchitektur
ETH Zürich, ONA J 25
Neunbrunnenstr. 50
8093 Zürich
BeziehungOrdentliche Professorin

061-0104-00LUrban Systems Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 2 KP2VT. Galí-Izard
KurzbeschreibungA combination of lectures and excursions will provide the tools to understand the landscape systems that structure and support the urban condition. Lectures will present global examples of urban systems related to coasts, rivers, water supply, water drainage, soil, forests, care and food production.
LernzielStudents will learn how the territory, climate and geology create potentials and constraints for the development of cities around the world. By looking closely at the condition of the city, students will produce knowledge about the state of urban landscape systems. Lastly, students will understand how this methodology informs the design process.

The course emphasizes the importance of collaboration between landscape architects and other disciplines as a necessity to address the complex issues that face or cities today. By providing examples of successful and unsuccessful collaborations, the course models how students can be effective collaborators in practice.
InhaltThe course is organized around core landscape systems, including coasts, rivers, water supply, water drainage, soil, forests, care and food production.

These lectures provide a coherent series of examples of urban systems throughout the world organized around key landscape themes. This framework provides a methodology for analyzing contemporary projects in relation to landscape systems and urban condition. Students will develop this methodology through exercises that will be reviewed throughout the course.
SkriptCourse material will be provided.
LiteraturThe course material includes a reading list.
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengeprüft
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengeprüft
Soziale KompetenzenKommunikationgeprüft
Kooperation und Teamarbeitgeprüft
Persönliche KompetenzenKreatives Denkengeprüft
Kritisches Denkengeprüft
061-0142-22LFoundation Studio II Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for Landscape Architecture MSc.
12 KP16UT. Galí-Izard
KurzbeschreibungBy looking at Rome through the lens of productive partnerships, this studio develops a design methodology that overlaps current urban typologies with production practices that are based on a balanced management of resources and the creation of healthy soils.
LernzielIn this course, students develop a design proposal in Rome that uncovers new potentials for urban space through an analysis of the larger systems of water, topography, and geology in the city and surroundings. Using drawing-based investigations, each project will identify a transformative potential in an existing urban system and make a design proposal that augments that potential.
InhaltDuring the semester, students will go through a multi-scale analysis of the city and territory of Rome. They will draw and analyse the living systems of the city, seeking new potentials in the design of urban spaces. They will accompany this research with the study of different practices on regenerative agriculture. By the end of the Studio, the students will design the transformation of one of those systems, integrating the logics of urban regenerative production.
SkriptCourse material will be provided
LiteraturThe course material includes a reading list.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesIt is also highly recommended to visit the
lecture series D-ARCH, LV-063-0502-00 (no credits).
061-0153-00LPraktikumsbericht Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Nur für Landschaftsarchitektur MSc.
2 KP4PT. Galí-Izard, C. Girot, G. Vogt
KurzbeschreibungTeil des Studiums ist ein sechsmonatiges Praktikum im Bereich der Landschaftsarchitektur. Die Praxistätigkeit soll möglichst viele Arbeitsphasen der Tätigkeit einer Landschaftsarchitektin/eines Landschaftsarchitekten umfassen. Die Studierenden fertigen einen Praktikumsbericht an, in welchem sie die verschiedenen Praktikumstätigkeiten detailliert beschreiben und den Lernerfolg reflektieren.
LernzielDer Bericht über die Praxistätigkeit soll möglichst viele Arbeitsphasen der Tätigkeit einer Landschaftsarchitektin/eines Landschaftsarchitekten umfassen.
InhaltTeil des Studiums ist ein sechsmonatiges Praktikum im Bereich der Landschaftsarchitektur. Die Praxistätigkeit soll möglichst viele Arbeitsphasen der Tätigkeit einer Landschaftsarchitektin/eines Landschaftsarchitekten umfassen. Die Studierenden fertigen einen Praktikumsbericht an, in welchem sie die verschiedenen Praktikumstätigkeiten detailliert beschreiben und den Lernerfolg reflektieren.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBericht über Praktikum, 6 Monate, im Bereich der Landschaftsarchitektur.
Der Bericht kann in Deutsch oder Englisch verfasst werden.
063-0704-22LCartographies of Living Systems: A Critical Approach2 KP2GT. Galí-Izard
KurzbeschreibungThis course will be an introduction to essential aspects of designing with living systems. The lectures will cover a curated list of constructed landscapes that embody a high level of complexity in their composition, systems, and evolution.
LernzielIn class and through additional drawing exercises, the students will explore the components of the sites in great detail: their plant communities, infrastructure, management regimes, climatic and geologic contexts, and the larger systems and territories in which they are embedded. Students will be introduced to meaningful landscape projects, and will learn a methodology for understanding the field of landscape architecture and its potential in relationship to the dynamic performance of living things.
InhaltIn the lectures, the students will learn about a selection of significant built landscapes that span a range of sizes, ages, and places of origin. The projects will be taught through an analytical framework that prioritizes key landscape elements that are often overlooked in traditional representations of projects. The students will contribute to the course by translating this complexity through a drawing exercise. Altogether, the work of the studio will be a critical and comparative study of significant landscape architecture projects, past and present.
SkriptCourse material will be provided.
LiteraturThe course material includes a reading list.
064-0018-22LResearch Methods in Landscape and Urban Studies: Creative, Sensory & Imaginative Approaches Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 3 KP2KG. Vogt, T. Avermaete, T. Galí-Izard, C. Girot, H. Klumpner, F. Persyn, C. Schmid
KurzbeschreibungAs part of the ‘Doctoral Programme in Landscape and Urban Studies’, the ‘Research Methods in Landscape and Urban Studies' seminar offers PhD students at the D-Arch an application-oriented introduction into the variety of methodologies and tools available to conduct research on the (built) environment at the urban and territorial scale.
LernzielThe seminar's objective is to introduce PhD students to the multitude of research methodologies, tools, and techniques within the fields of urban studies, urban design, territorial planning and landscape architecture. Based on the conveyed knowledge, the seminar ultimately aims at enabling PhD candidates to critically assess existing methods and tools, and to refine and develop an academically sound research framework for their own studies.
InhaltThe seminar is organised along four modules that are arranged according to the PhD classes' particular needs:

A: Methodology Module >>> Introduction of a research methodology/approach by an expert + exercise and discussion / moderated by doctoral programme coordinator. (3 per semester)

B: Framework Module >>> Sessions organised and conducted by doctoral programme coordinator and invited experts to develop a first overview of different theories on landscape and urban studies (with this semester a specific focus on the Anthropocene and living systems). (3 per semester).

C: Techniques Module >>> Introduction into research techniques and tools / organised by doctoral programme coordinator and respective experts. These modules will make students familiar with technical aspects such as academic writing, or the the use of GIS software and visual analysis (3 per semester)

D. Doctoral Reviews >>> Presentation and discussion of individual PhD projects organised by the doctoral program coordinator with external guests (2 per semester).
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe online seminar is jointly organized by the coordinator of the Doctoral Programme in Landscape and Urban Studies, and the I-LUS faculty. Although located at the D-Arch, the seminar is open to all doctoral students (at ETH) who are involved or interested in research at the urban and territorial scale.

This seminar is complementing the gta doctoral colloquiums on Thursday afternoons.
078-0204-00LRegenerative Landscapes: Rule-Based Design Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 3 KP3GT. Galí-Izard
KurzbeschreibungStudents will be introduced to methods and tools from regenerative agriculture and how they can be integrated into the discipline and practice of landscape architecture and territorial design. Traditional and contemporary approaches in designing with productive living systems will be critically discussed, including agroforestry, water harvesting, companion planting, and pasture cropping.
LernzielAn introduction to the strategies of regenerative agriculture will enable students to develop an understanding of key ecological parameters for design involving water, soil, animals, and vegetation. Students learn how to identify key components of a landscape system, understand relatively why and how they work, and abstract that information in drawings and diagrams that become useful for design. Additionally, the course will examine the potentials and challenges of these practices to influence landscapes at a territorial scale.
InhaltThe course is organized around the presentation and discussion of traditional and contemporary case studies at the intersection of regenerative agriculture and landscape design. Through design exercises and discussions, students will translate this complexity to explore a rule-based methodological approach to designing with living systems.
SkriptCourse material will be provided in the form of a reader.
LiteraturThe course material includes a reading list.