Teresa Galí-Izard: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2020

NameFrau Prof. Teresa Galí-Izard
Professur Landschaftsarchitektur
ETH Zürich, ONA J 25
Neunbrunnenstr. 50
8093 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 633 62 40
BeziehungOrdentliche Professorin

061-0101-00LClimate / Water / Soil Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for Landscape Architecture MSc.
Course languages are English and German.
2 KP3GH. Joos, R. Kretzschmar, R. Weingartner, N. Bluvshtein, E. L. Davin, S. Dötterl, A. Frossard, T. Galí-Izard, R. Knutti, P. U. Lehmann Grunder, T. Peter, S. Schemm, J. Schwaab, C. Steger, H. Wernli
KurzbeschreibungLectures, exercises and excursions serve as an introduction to atmospheric sciences, hydrology and soil science. Students gain a broad vision of the cutting edge topics that are being researched and studied at the Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH, Eawag, WSL a.o. This will be the base for a future dialog between the field of landscape architecture and the field of sciences.
LernzielStudents acquire basic knowledge in atmospheric sciences, hydrology and soil science:
- Understanding basic chemical and physical processes in the atmosphere that influence weather and climate
- Knowledge of water balance, principles of integral water management and climatic factors in the field of hydrology
- Fundamentals about the classification of soils, soil-forming processes, physical and chemical soil properties, soil biology and ecology, soil degradation and protection

Students develop an understanding of the relevance of these topics in the field of landscape architecture. Temporal and physical scale, research methods, units of measurement, lexicon, modes of representation and critical literature form the framework for the joint discourse. Students will develop a graphic language in order to integrate this knowledge into design.
InhaltThe course unit consists of the three courses "Climate", "Water" and "Soil", which are organized in modules.

Module 1 “Climate”, 14.–18.09.2020
- Atmospheric dynamics: weather conditions, precipitation formation, weather forecast
- Climate physics: past and future changes in global climate and scenarios for Switzerland
- Land-climate dynamics: interaction between the land surface and the climate system
- Hydrology and water cycle: extreme precipitation, influence of climate change on the cryosphere
- Atmospheric chemistry: aerosols, greenhouse gases, air pollution

Module 2 “Water”, 21.–25.09.2020
- Water balance: theoretical fundamentals; water balance; central importance of runoff; blue, green and grey water
- Water as a resource: Switzerland's water resources, water supply, hydropower use
- Water as a hazard and risk: floods, flood protection, urban drainage
- Water protection: qualitative and quantitative water protection, water and landscape
- Water and climate change: basics, situation in Switzerland with focus on the Alpine region

Module 3 “Soil”, 28.09.–2.10.20
- Introduction to soils: definition, function, formation, classification and mapping
- Soil physics: soil texture, soil structure, soil water potentials, hydraulic conductivity
- Soil chemistry and fertility: clay minerals and oxides, cation exange capacity, soil pH, essential plant nutrients
- Soil biology and ecology: soil fauna and microflora, fungi, bacteria, food web, organic matter
- Soil degradation and threats to soil resources: erosion, compactation, sealing, contamination, salinization
- Practical aspects of soil protection
SkriptCourse material will be provided.
LiteraturThe course material includes a reading list.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe courses "Climate", "Water" and "Soil" are organized with the Fundamental Studio I as joint one-week modules. The weekly schedules will be provided with the course materials.

Module 1 "Climate", 14-18.09.2020
Module 2 "Water", 21-25.09.2020
Module 3 "Soil", 28.09.-2.10.20

- The courses are held in English or German.
- The written session examination covers all three courses "Climate", "Water" and "Soil".
- During the excursions there will be at least one external overnight stay.
061-0103-00LEcology and Plant Sciences Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for Landscape Architecture MSc.
Course languages are English and German.
2 KP3GT. Galí-Izard, N. Buchmann, C. Buser Moser, A. Gessler, N. Guettler, A. Guggisberg, F. Kienast, M. Lévesque, A. Rudow, B. Wehrli
KurzbeschreibungThis course introduces ecology and plant sciences. Through lectures, exercises and excursions, students will gain a broad vision of the cutting edge topics that are being researched and studied at the Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH, Eawag, WSL and others. This will be the base for a future dialog between the field of landscape architecture and the field of sciences.
LernzielStudents acquire basic knowledge in ecology and plant sciences focusing in its application in the field of landscape architecture. Temporal and physical scale, research methods, units of measurement, lexicon, modes of representation and critical literature form the framework for the joint discourse. Students will develop a graphic language in order to integrate this knowledge into design.
InhaltThe fundamental course “Ecology and Plant Sciences” is an introduction to the field of living systems, starting with the history of ecology, followed by an introduction to general terrestrial ecology, plant systematics, taxonomy, evolutionary biology, and basic notions of landscape ecology. A more specific approach to Swiss ecologies will follow with a concentration on grassland systems, aquatic systems and forests. Finally, the course focus on the specifics tree structure and function, and plant physiology.
SkriptCourse material will be provided.
LiteraturThe course material includes a reading list.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe fundamental course is organized with the Fundamental Studio I as a joint two-week module. The weekly schedule is provided with the course documents.

Module 4 "Ecology and plant systems", 5.10.-16.10.20

The course is held in English or German.
061-0141-20LFoundation Studio I Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
For MScLA students only.
Classes (and critiques) are held in English and German.
14 KP26UT. Galí-Izard, C. Girot, G. Vogt
KurzbeschreibungThe course introduces to the subject and complexity of the urbanized landscape and teaches the critical engagement with the challenges and potentials of current tendencies in Landscape Architecture. On the basis of theoretical inputs and short design exercises the students will develop analythical, methodical and design skills.
LernzielStudents acquire basic analytical, design and methodological skills in the field of Landscape Architecture.
InhaltThe Foundation Studio I will be dealing with the urban territory of Basel in autumn semester 2020. The complexity of the region with its rich variety of geology and vegetation, the political boarders and an urge for urban renewal will be the background for the development of the design projects (selected design exercises will take place at other locations in Switzerland). The semester is composed of six modules, which are linked to the respective fundamental course, and a synthesis module:

Module 1 “Climate”, Prof. C. Girot, 14.–18.09.2020

Module 2 “Water”, Prof. C. Girot, 21.–25.09.2020

Module 3 “Soil”, Prof. T. Galí-Izard, 28.09.–2.10.20

Module 4 “Ecology and Plant Sciences”, Prof. T. Galí-Izard, 5.10.–16.10.20

Module 5 “Designing with Plants I”, Prof. G. Vogt, 26.10.–6.11.20

Module 6 “Materials and Construction I”, Prof. G. Vogt, 9.11.–20.11.20

Module “Synthesis”, Prof. T. Galí-Izard, Prof. C. Girot and Prof. G. Vogt, 23.11.–18.12.20

In addition to the design professors, external experts of diverse fields will advise and support the students during the development of their design.
SkriptThe workbook will be handed in during the first semester week.
LiteraturThe relevant literature is included in the workbook.
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes- The exercises will be introduced on Fridays the week before the module and their return will be the Friday at the end of the module.

- Mid-term Critiques: Module 1 “Climate” on Tuesday, 22.09.20. The Mid-term Critiques of Module 2–6 will take place on Wednesday of the week following the module.

- Final Critique: during the week 14.12.2020-18.12.2020

- The weekly schedule is published on the course website (and is included in the reader).

- Classes (and critiques) are held in English and German.
064-0017-20LResearch Methods in Landscape and Urban Studies Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 2 KP2KG. Vogt, T. Avermaete, T. Galí-Izard, C. Girot, H. Klumpner, F. Persyn, C. Schmid, M. Topalovic
KurzbeschreibungAdvanced PhD candidates of urban studies, urban and landscape design and urban sociology report about their experiences and insights in the concrete application of methods utilized for their research and scientific publications. Discussion of ongoing individual work, methodological questions, critical perspectives on urban and landscape design and city's relation to society.
LernzielThe seminar's objective is to introduce PhD students to the multitude of research methodologies, tools and techniques within the fields of urban studies, urban design, territorial planning and landscape architecture. Based on the conveyed knowledge, the seminar ultimately aims at enabling PhD candidates to critically assess existing methods and tools, and to refine and develop an academically sound research framework for their own studies.
InhaltThe seminar is organized along three modules that are arranged according to the PhD classes' particular needs:

A: Methodology Module >>> Introduction of a research methodology by an expert / short contributions by PhD students + exercise and discussion / moderated by doctoral program coordinator (Lecturer/Dozent). This will include quantitative and qualitative methods such as ethnographic research, case study research, grounded theory, survey design, mapping, methods in statistical and data analysis, etc. (3-4 per semester)

B: Literature Module >>> Reading sessions organized and conducted by doctoral program coordinator (Lecturer/Dozent) / invited experts from the Department. These sessions will support the methodology modules with theoretical and historical texts with a specifically tailored reading syllabus. (4-5 per semester).

C: Techniques Module >>> Introduction into research techniques and tools / organized by doctoral program coordinator (Lecturer/Dozent) / conducted by respective experts. These modules will make students familiar with technical aspects such as academic writing, or the the use of GIS software, the ETH library or the gta archive, etc.(2-3 per semester)
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe seminar is jointly organized by the coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Landscape and Urban Studies, and the I-LUS faculty. Although located at the D-ARCH, the seminar is open to all doctoral students at ETH who are involved or interested in research at the urban and territorial scale.

This seminar is complementing the gta doctoral colloquiums on Thursday afternoons.

Hybrid teaching: Personal teaching in ONA Design In Dialog Lab (ONA E25) and online teaching: