Roland Hohensinn: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2020

NameHerr Dr. Roland Hohensinn
DepartementBau, Umwelt und Geomatik

103-0738-00LGNSS Lab5 KP4GR. Hohensinn, G. Möller
KurzbeschreibungConsolidation of knowledge in satellite geodesy and its application to GNSS.
LernzielStudents know the technological background of GNSS. They are able to interpret and to qualify GNSS results and to carry out error estimations. Autonomous work on GNSS-related problems.
InhaltAutonomous development, planning, and carrying out of a small GNSS-project. As needed further satellite geodetic background will be given ( GNSS-positioning and navigation, satellite orbits, consolidated knowledge of GNSS, observation equations, principles of measurements, disturbances, practical operation)
SkriptNavigation, Alain Geiger, GGL-ETHZ
GNSS, Markus Rothacher, GGL-ETHZ