Valentina Boeva: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2020

NameFrau Prof. Dr. Valentina Boeva
Professur für Biomedizininformatik
ETH Zürich, CAB G 32.2
Universitätstrasse 6
8092 Zürich
BeziehungAssistenzprofessorin (Tenure Track)

252-4811-00LMachine Learning Seminar Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 24.

The deadline for deregistering expires at the end of the second week of the semester. Students who are still registered after that date, but do not attend the seminar, will officially fail the seminar.
2 KP2SV. Boeva, T. Hofmann
KurzbeschreibungSeminal and recent papers in machine learning are presented and discussed.
LernzielThe seminar familiarizes students with advanced and recent ideas in machine learning. Original articles have to be presented, contexctualized, and critically reviewed. The students will learn how to structure a scientific presentation in English which covers the key ideas of a scientific paper.
InhaltThe seminar will cover a number of recent papers which have emerged as important contributions in the machine learning research community. The topics will vary from year to year but they are centered on methodological issues in machine learning like new learning algorithms, ensemble methods or new statistical models for machine learning applications.
LiteraturThe papers will be presented and allocated in the first session of the seminar.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBasic knowledge of machine learning as taught in undergraduate courses such as "252-0220-00 Introduction to Machine Learning" are required.
261-5100-00LComputational Biomedicine Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 60.
5 KP2V + 1U + 1AG. Rätsch, V. Boeva, N. Davidson
KurzbeschreibungThe course critically reviews central problems in Biomedicine and discusses the technical foundations and solutions for these problems.
LernzielOver the past years, rapid technological advancements have transformed classical disciplines such as biology and medicine into fields of apllied data science. While the sheer amount of the collected data often makes computational approaches inevitable for analysis, it is the domain specific structure and close relation to research and clinic, that call for accurate, robust and efficient algorithms. In this course we will critically review central problems in Biomedicine and will discuss the technical foundations and solutions for these problems.
InhaltThe course will consist of three topic clusters that will cover different aspects of data science problems in Biomedicine:
1) String algorithms for the efficient representation, search, comparison, composition and compression of large sets of strings, mostly originating from DNA or RNA Sequencing. This includes genome assembly, efficient index data structures for strings and graphs, alignment techniques as well as quantitative approaches.
2) Statistical models and algorithms for the assessment and functional analysis of individual genomic variations. this includes the identification of variants, prediction of functional effects, imputation and integration problems as well as the association with clinical phenotypes.
3) Models for organization and representation of large scale biomedical data. This includes ontolgy concepts, biomedical databases, sequence annotation and data compression.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesData Structures & Algorithms, Introduction to Machine Learning, Statistics/Probability, Programming in Python, Unix Command Line
263-3300-00LData Science Lab Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for Data Science MSc.
14 KP9PC. Zhang, V. Boeva, R. Cotterell, J. Vogt, F. Yang
KurzbeschreibungIn this class, we bring together data science applications
provided by ETH researchers outside computer science and
teams of computer science master's students. Two to three
students will form a team working on data science/machine
learning-related research topics provided by scientists in
a diverse range of domains such as astronomy, biology,
social sciences etc.
LernzielThe goal of this class if for students to gain experience
of dealing with data science and machine learning applications
"in the wild". Students are expected to go through the full
process starting from data cleaning, modeling, execution,
debugging, error analysis, and quality/performance refinement.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrerequisites: At least 8 KP must have been obtained under Data Analysis and at least 8 KP must have been obtained under Data Management and Processing.