Bart Van Damme: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2023

Name Dr. Bart Van Damme
Überlandstrasse 129
SH 225 - Acoustics/Noise Control
8600 Dübendorf
DepartmentMechanical and Process Engineering

151-0232-00LEngineering Acoustics
Note: The previous course title until FS22 "Engineering Acoustics II"
4 credits3GN. Noiray, S. M. Schoenwald, B. Van Damme
AbstractThis course presents several applications of engineering acoustics. It consists of three parts: acoustic wave absorption in fluids and vibration isolation in solids, sound radiation and transmission in structures, and aero- and thermo-acoustic sources and instabilities.
Learning objectiveApplication of the basic concepts of engineering acoustics: acoustic absorption, solid wave propagation, acoustic transmission and sound radiation by reacting and non-reacting flows in complex engineering systems that are relevant to noise control practice. The lectures (10x3 hours) cover the broad field of modelling, analysis, design and testing of flows, materials and structures with the aim of developing systems which exhibit the targeted acoustical behavior. The theoretical content is supported by 3x3 hours of lab visits, including hands-on experiments and demonstrations of real-life acoustic measurements
ContentWave Attenuation, Vibration Damping, Acoustic Absorption, Sound Transmission, Radiation, Broadband and Tonal Aeroacoustic Noise, Active and Passive Control of Thermoacoustic Instabilities.
Lecture notesDownload during semester.
LiteratureLiterature is given in course material.
Prerequisites / NoticeRequired: Fundamentals of Mechanics and Dynamics / Recommended: Engineering Acoustics I.