Heiner Eberhard Franzen: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

NameMr Heiner Eberhard Franzen
Professur Kunst in Raum und Zeit
ETH Zürich, HIL F 48
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich

052-0503-00LArchitecture and Art I Information
Project grading at semester end is based on the list of enrolments on Friday 2nd November 2018, 24:00 h (valuation date) only.
Ultimate deadline to unsubscribe or enroll for the studio is Friday 2nd November 2018, 24:00 h.
8 credits2V + 5G + 1UH. E. Franzen, K. Sander
AbstractAttendance of eight lectures and gaining knowledge of eight different perspectives / media of the fine arts. Deepening in one of the eight directions in a self-chosen deepening course; 3 weeks elaborating an artistic task (emphasis of grading for the final semester grade: 3/5 final presentation, 1/5 written project-conception, 1/5 participation)
Learning objectiveIn the HS18, the students will learn about all eight perspectives and media of the fine arts in a course rotation. They expand their knowledge in a mentored course with an independent artistic work.
ContentIn HS18 you learn about eight different perspectives and media of the Fine Arts. You choose one of the eight courses to be your special course. With the selected lecturer, you go into a three-week mentorate and work on an artistic task that is presented at a final critique. (emphasis of grading for the final semester grade: 3/5 final presentation, 1/5 written project-conception, 1/5 participation)
052-0537-18LFree Drawing Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 35.
2 credits2VH. E. Franzen
AbstractDrawing is used to ascertain and develop the artistic ideas and abilities of students. Different techniques and methods will be tested.
Learning objectiveDevelopment of individual expression in the realm of drawing; artistic flexibility and skill in the areas of working strategy and aesthetic impact.
ContentDevelopment of individual expression in the realm of drawing; artistic flexibility and skill in the areas of working strategy and aesthetic impact.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe number of participants is limited.
Application for the course via e-mail: Zilla Leutenegger <leutenegger@arch.ethz.ch>
063-0223-18LPerspective Drawing / Free Drawing (Thesis Elective) Information Restricted registration - show details
Agreement with assistant T. Becker is compulsory for an enrollment (becker@arch.ethz.ch).
6 credits11AH. E. Franzen
AbstractAn elective project in drawing is an assignment with the characteristics of research. A topic, a graphic assignment or problem, selected by the student is furthered through independent work and its evolution documented.
Learning objectiveCombining craft-based and technical processes with aesthetic reflection / developing creativity through structured praxis / solving formal and aesthetic problems / originality, productivity and flexibility.
ContentThe contents of these elective studies are expected to link to the subject matter of the attended course.
Prerequisites / NoticeApplication for the coursework with the lecuturer also via e-mail: Zilla Leutenegger <leutenegger@arch.ethz.ch>
Priority for students of the thesis elective "Free Drawing".