Mara Saenz de Juano Ribes: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

Name Dr. Mara Saenz de Juano Ribes
Name variantsMara D. Saenz-de-Juano
M. D. Saenz-de-Juano
Maria Desemparats Saenz-de-Juano
Professur für Tierphysiologie
ETH Zürich, LFW B 54.1
Universitätstrasse 2
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 47 21
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science

751-0206-00LApplied Laboratory Techniques in Agricultural Sciences Restricted registration - show details
The course is compulsory for students in 5th semester BSc Agricultural Sciences.
4 credits4PG. Broggini, N. Buchmann, K. Giller, M. Hartmann, B. McDonald, S. Neuenschwander, M. Saenz de Juano Ribes, B. Studer, A. Walter
AbstractDie Lehrveranstaltung ist zweiteilig aus einem Laborpraktikum und einem angewandten Methodentraining aufgebaut. Im Laborpraktikum werden an 6 Kurstagen die wichtigsten Techniken der Molekularbiologie gelehrt. Das folgende Methodentraining findet an 5 Kurstagen im Block in einer der beteiligten Forschungsgruppen statt, um die wichtigsten Methoden aus dem jeweiligen Fachgebiet praxisnah anzuwenden.
Learning objective- Aneignung von guter Laborpraxis (Sicherheit, Effizienz, Qualität und Dokumentation)

- Erlernen der wichtigsten Labor- und Feldmethoden in den Agrarwissenschaften sowie deren korrekte und sichere Anwendung

- Vertieftes Verständnis von molekularen, physiologischen und biochemischen Prozessen in aktuellen agrarwissenschaftlichen Themenbereichen

- Aneignung von Kompetenzen für zukünftige Bachelor-, Master-, und Doktorarbeiten

- Kritische Beurteilung der angewandten Methoden für verantwortungsvolle Forschung
ContentMolekularbiologisches Laborpraktikum: DNA Extraktion, DNA Quantifizierung, PCR, Molekulare Marker, Gelelektrophorese, DNA Sequenzierung, Bioinformatik, qPCR

Angewandtes Methodentraining: Inhalte definiert durch die jeweiligen Arbeitsgruppen
Lecture notesLaborjournal
LiteratureWird einsprechend den Kursinhalten abgegeben.
751-6129-00LPractical Course Epigenetics3 credits6PS. E. Ulbrich, M. Saenz de Juano Ribes
AbstractThe practical course will comprise lecture elements on introducing the topic of epigenetics in detail to you and a large amount of practical work where you will be able to perform DNA methylation analyses on your own. We will focus on DNA extraction, the estimation of Global DNA Methylation and Gene-specific Methylation.
Learning objectiveThe competencies and aims for the course are as follows:
Get first hands-on experience with the experimental techniques
Answer a scientific question by conducting an experiments
Present the principle of different techniques to other students
Obtain results of an experiment and get insight into what affects technical variation and thus influences reproducibility
Interpret results in an adequate manner to solve a scientific question
Combine results to draw an adequate conclusion
Present an epigenetics research paper
Lecture notesYou will receive a draft outline of the week, the slides of the theoretical parts and a detailed protocol of the work we will do in advance of the practical course.
Prerequisites / NoticeFor receiving a total of 3 Credit Points for this practical course we kindly ask you to actively take part in the practical performance. You need to pass a 30-min written examination about the theoretical background of the techniques, approaches and the background. In addition, we ask you to present an original research paper together with a colleague. You will receive the paper in advance for preparation. We will ask you to prepare a 30 min presentation with a following discussion. Next to the presentation of your scientific paper you are asked to address questions of the presentations of your colleagues and actively take part in the discussion. Finally, we will ask you to write a lab report to be handed in at the beginning of the spring semester.