Zhidong Zhang: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2022

NameHerr Dr. Zhidong Zhang
Institut für Baustoffe (IfB)
ETH Zürich, HIF E 26.2
Laura-Hezner-Weg 7
8093 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 633 77 05
DepartementBau, Umwelt und Geomatik

101-0659-01LDurability and Maintenance of Reinforced Concrete4 KP2VU. Angst, Z. Zhang
KurzbeschreibungWe look at the durability of reinforced concrete structures, covering common deterioration processes such as reinforcement corrosion, frost damage, ASR, etc. The course spans the range from fundamental mechanisms to aspects of engineering practice. New methods and materials for preventative measures, condition assessment and repair techniques are treated. Examples from real cases are shown.
LernzielAfter this course you will have profound understanding about:
• the different mechanisms of deterioration of concrete structures, in particular reinforcement corrosion
• the relevant parameters affecting durability of reinforced concrete (cover depth, concrete quality, moisture, etc.)

Furthermore, you will know:
• current engineering approaches for durability design (according to standards) and their limitations
• refined models for enhanced durability design and service life predictions
• preventive measures to improve durability (e.g. stainless steel reinforcement, concrete surface coatings, etc.)
• the particular durability challenges with post-tensioned structures and ways to overcome them (electrically isolated tendons)
• methods for inspection and condition assessment of existing, ageing structures (including non-destructive techniques and monitoring with sensors)
• repair methods for deteriorated concrete structures such as conventional repair and electrochemical methods (in particular cathodic protection)
• possible future problems for durability that may arise with modern materials and construction technologies
Inhalt• Socio-economic challenges related to ageing infrastructures
• Fundamentals of corrosion and durability: Corrosion in concrete (chlorides, carbonation). Passivity and pitting corrosion. Cracking and influence of cracks.
• Degradation mechanisms for concrete: sulphate attack, ASR, frost attack.
• Inspection and condition assessment: Chloride analyses, carbonation depth, etc. Non-destructive tests, particularly potential mapping to detect corrosion. New developments (for example, monitoring with sensors).
• Pre-stressed and post-tensioned structures: problem with existing structures. New systems with polymer ducts / electrically isolated tendons. Monitoring techniques. Applications.
• Stainless steel as reinforcing steel for concrete: Different types of stainless steels. Coupling with black reinforcing steel. Examples of application. Life-cycle-costs.
• Repair methods: Conventional. Coatings. Corrosion inhibitors. Electrochemical methods, in particular cathodic protection.
• Durability design: Prescriptive approach (standards). Service life modeling. Limitations and opportunities.
• Modern materials and construction technologies: Discussion of expected implications for the durability of structures today and in the future.

• We generally try to organize a site-visit (depending on availability of construction sites). Presumably, we will visit an installation site of cathodic protection on a concrete structure in the Zurich area.
SkriptThe course is based on the book
Corrosion of steel in concrete - prevention diagnosis repair (WILEY 2013) by L. Bertolini, B. Elsener, P. Pedeferri and R. Polder

Slides of the lectures will be distributed in advance

Special handouts and reprints for particular topics will be distributed
LiteraturThe course is based on the book
Corrosion of steel in concrete - prevention diagnosis repair (WILEY 2013) by L. Bertolini, B. Elsener, P. Pedeferri and R. Polder

Slides of the lectures will be distributed in advance

Special handouts and reprints for particular topics will be distributed
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesForm of teaching:
The course is a lecture that contains frequent discussion and interaction between students and lecturer. You will see and work on many examples from engineering practice, both during the lectures and in the form of exercises to be solved at home.

Each student will work on a small case study and deliver a report during the semester. The report will be graded.

We generally try to organize a site-visit (depending on availability of construction sites). Presumably, we will visit an installation site of cathodic protection on a concrete structure in the Zurich area.
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengeprüft
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengeprüft
Medien und digitale Technologiengefördert
Soziale KompetenzenKommunikationgeprüft
Kooperation und Teamarbeitgeprüft
Menschenführung und Verantwortunggefördert
Selbstdarstellung und soziale Einflussnahmegefördert
Sensibilität für Vielfalt gefördert
Persönliche KompetenzenAnpassung und Flexibilitätgefördert
Kreatives Denkengeprüft
Kritisches Denkengeprüft
Integrität und Arbeitsethikgeprüft
Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstreflexion gefördert
Selbststeuerung und Selbstmanagement geprüft