Imad El Haddad: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2018

NameHerr Dr. Imad El Haddad
PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut
5232 Villigen PSI

701-1234-00LTropospheric Chemistry3 KP2GA. Prévôt, D. W. Brunner, I. El Haddad
KurzbeschreibungThe course gives an overview tropospheric chemistry, which is based on laboratory studies, measurements and numerical modelling. The topics include aerosol, photochemistry, emissions and depositions. The lecture covers urban-regional-to-global scale issues, as well as fundamentals of the atmospheric nitrogen, sulfur and CH4 cycles and their contributions to aerosol and oxidant formation.
LernzielBased on the presented material the students are expected to understand the most relevant processes responsible for the anthropogenic disturbances of tropospheric chemical composition. The competence of synthesis of knowledge will be improved by student's presentations. These presentations relate to a particular actual problem selected by the canidates.
InhaltStarting from the knowledge acquired in lecture 701-0471, the course provides a more profound view on the the chemical and dynamical process governing the composition and impacts of air pollutant like aerosol and ozone, at the earth's surface and the free troposphere.
Specific topics are offered are: laboratory and ambient measurements in polluted and pristine regions, the determination of emissions of a variety of components, numerical modelling across scales, regional air pollution - aerosol, and photooxidatant in relation to precursor emissions,
impacts (health, vegetation, climate), the global cycles of tropospheric ozone, CH4, sulfur and nitrogen components.
SkriptLecture presentations are available for download.
LiteraturD. Jacob, Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry

Mark Z. Jacobson: Fundamentals of Atmospheric Modelling, Cambridge University Press

John Seinfeld and Spyros Pandis, Atmosperic Chemistry and Physics, from air pollution to Climate Change, Wiley, 2006.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe basics in physical chemsitry are required and an overview equivalent to the bachelor course in atmospheric chemsitry (lecture 701-0471-01) is expected.