Zhe Lue: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2018

NameMr Zhe Lue
DepartmentHumanities, Social and Political Sciences

851-0242-07LHuman Intelligence Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.

Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).

This course unit can only be enroled after successful participation in, or imultaneous enrolment in the course 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW 1)" .
1 credit1SE. Stern, Z. Lue
AbstractThe focus will be on the book "Intelligenz: Grosse Unterschiede und ihre Folgen" by Stern and Neubauer. Participation at the first meeting is obligatory. It is required that all participants read the complete book. Furthermore, in two meetings of 90 minutes, concept papers developed in small groups (5 - 10 students) will be discussed.
Learning objective- Understanding of research methods used in the empirical human sciences
- Getting to know intelligence tests
- Understanding findings relevant for education
851-0242-08LResearch Methods in Educational Science Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.

This course unit can only be enroled after successful participation in, or imultaneous enrolment in the course 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW 1)" .
1 credit1SP. Edelsbrunner, M. Berkowitz Biran, Z. Lue, B. Rütsche
AbstractLiterature from learning sciences will be read and discussed. Research methods will be in focus.
At the first meeting all participants will be allocated to working groups and two further meetings will be set up with the groups.
In the small groups students will write critical short essays about the read literature. The essays will be presented and discussed in the plenum at the third meeting.
Learning objective- Understand research methods used in the empirical educational sciences
- Understand and critically examine information from scientific journals and media
- Understand pedagogically relevant findings from the empirical educational sciences