Stefanie Jonas: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2020

NameFrau Prof. Dr. Stefanie Jonas
LehrgebietRNA-Biologie und Krankheitsmechanismen
Inst. f. Molekularbiol.u.Biophysik
ETH Zürich, HPP L 24
Hönggerbergring 64
8093 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 633 07 22
BeziehungAusserordentliche Professorin

551-0307-01LMolecular and Structural Biology II: Molecular Machines and Cellular Assemblies
D-BIOL students are obliged to take part I and part II as a two-semester course.
3 KP2VN. Ban, F. Allain, S. Jonas, M. Pilhofer
KurzbeschreibungThis course on advanced topics in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry will cover the structure and function of cellular assemblies. General topics in basic biochemistry will be further developed with examples of the function of large cellular machines involved in DNA packaging, translation, virus architecture, RNA processing, cell-cell interactions, and the molecular basis of CRISPER systems.
LernzielStudents will gain a deep understanding of large cellular assemblies and the structure-function relationships governing their function in fundamental cellular processes. The lectures throughout the course will be complemented by exercises and discussions of original research examples to provide students with a deeper understanding of the subjects and to encourage active student participation.
InhaltAdvanced class covering the state of the research in structural molecular biology of basic cellular processes with emphasis on the function of large cellular assemblies.
SkriptUpdated handouts will be provided during the class.
LiteraturThe lecture will be based on the latest literature. Additional suggested
Branden, C., and J. Tooze, Introduction to Protein Structure, 2nd ed.
(1995). Garland, New York.
551-1312-00LRNA-Biology II Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 16.

The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.
6 KP7GS. Jonas, F. Allain, C. Beyer, U. Kutay, O. Voinnet, K. Weis
KurzbeschreibungIntroduction to the diversity of current RNA-research at all levels from structural biology to systems biology using mainly model systems like S. cerevisiae (yeast), mammalian cells.
LernzielThe students will obtain an overview about the diversity of current RNA-research. They will learn to design experiments and use techniques necessary to analyze different aspects of RNA biology. Through lectures and literature seminars, they will learn about the burning questions of RNA research and discuss approaches to address these questions experimentally. In practical lab projects the students will work in one of the participating laboratories. Finally, they will learn how to present and discuss their data in an appropriate manner. Student assessment is a graded semester performance based on individual performance in the laboratory, the written exam and the project presentation.
SkriptRelevant material from the lectures will be made available during the course via the corresponding Moodle page.
LiteraturDocumentation and recommended literature will be provided at the beginning and during the course.
551-1402-00LMolecular and Structural Biology VI: Biophysical Analysis of Macromolecular Mechanisms
This course is strongly recommended for the Masters Major "Biology and Biophysics".
4 KP2VR. Glockshuber, T. Ishikawa, S. Jonas, B. Schuler, E. Weber-Ban
KurzbeschreibungThe course is focussed on biophysical methods for characterising conformational transitions and reaction mechanisms of proteins and biological mecromolecules, with focus on methods that have not been covered in the Biology Bachelor Curriculum.
LernzielThe goal of the course is to give the students a broad overview on biopyhsical techniques available for studying conformational transitions and complex reaction mechanisms of biological macromolecules. The course is particularly suited for students enrolled in the Majors "Structural Biology and Biophysics", "Biochemistry" and "Chemical Biology" of the Biology MSc curriculum, as well as for MSc students of Chemistry and Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences".
InhaltThe biophysical methods covered in the course include advanced reaction kinetics, methods for the thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of protein-ligand interactions, static and dynamic light scattering, analytical ultracentrifugation, spectroscopic techniques such as fluorescence anisotropy, fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and single molecule fluorescence spectrosopy, modern electron microscopy techniques, atomic force microscopy, and isothermal and differential scanning calorimetry.
SkriptCourse material from the individual lecturers wil be made available at the sharepoint website
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesFinished BSc curriculum in Biology, Chemistry or Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences. The course is also adequate for doctoral students with research projects in structural biology, biophysics, biochemistry and chemical biology.