Corsin Battaglia: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

Name Prof. Dr. Corsin Battaglia
Ueberlandstrasse 129
Abteilung 501
8600 Dübendorf
RelationshipAdjunct Professor

327-0311-00LPractical Laboratory Course III Information Restricted registration - show details 3 credits6PM. B. Willeke, C. Battaglia, A. Borgschulte, P. J. Walde
AbstractTo impart basic knowledge and experimental competence using selected examples from chemistry and physics.
Learning objectiveTo impart basic knowledge and experimental competence using selected examples from chemistry and physics.
ContentChemistry III: Synthesis of PMMA via Transesterification; manufacture of poly(methylmethacrylat) via radical polymerization of methylmethacrylat; 3D-printing.
Physics I: Powder diffractometry, single crystal radiography, capillary rheometry, viscoelasticity of the polymer melt (or an equivalent exp.), 2 phyiscs experiments (out of 4) at the EMPA: e.g. X-ray flourescence analysis, impedance measurements of batteries, "power to gas" or texture measurement, building a Lithium ionic battery; and two further physic experiments at D-Phys (e.g. about "elastic constants" or "inference and diffraction" ).
Lecture notesNotes with information for each experiment (aim of the experiment, theory, experimental procedure, data analysis) can be downloaded from the web ( or
Prerequisites / NoticeVoraussetzungen: 1. Erfolgreiche Teilnahme sowohl am D-MATL Praktikum I als auch II. 2. Bestandene Chemie I/II Prüfung und/oder bestandene Basisprüfung. Über allfällige Ausnahmen entscheidet der Praktikumsverantwortliche auf Anfrage.