Jana Thiel: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2019

NameFrau Dr. Jana Thiel
Professur Entrepreneurship
ETH Zürich, WEV H 310
Weinbergstr. 56/58
8092 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 632 05 57
DepartementManagement, Technologie und Ökonomie

363-1095-00LCommercializing Science and Technology Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 3 KP2GJ. Thiel
KurzbeschreibungThis course aims to help students to better understand how to turn science and technology into new products or services and potentially into new businesses. A key element of this course is the practical application of knowledge (acquired through interactive discussions of course materials) to a field project in which students develop a business concept proposal for an early-stage technology.
LernzielMain Course Goals:

1 - To understand how science-based research and technological inventions can create value, either in the context of a start-up or in established companies
2 - To develop a solid understanding of the process of market opportunity identification and evaluation in the context of new technologies
3 - To practically apply your knowledge to an early-stage commercialization project
4 - To foster an entrepreneurial spirit

The knowledge you will acquire in this course will not only be useful if you consider starting an own technology business; it will also be valuable should you choose a career in managing technology in an established firm or within a public or private research lab. In all of these settings research and development efforts need to be legitimized and be able to answer to which extent and through what process they will ultimately create commercial or general societal impact—a central learning goal in this course.
InhaltThe course targets ETH students from different disciplines, with a strong interest in value creation. Students will work in small teams on a technology (either from an ETH lab, or prior study projects) and help build a roadmap of how to turn this technology into a value-creating product or service.

Key topics we will cover in this course:
1) Insights into the origin of entrepreneurial opportunities from scientific inventions: problem spaces and problem-solution sets
2) Entrepreneurial thinking and business logic: understanding competitive advantage, strategic positioning and value capture mechanism
3) Opportunity roadmaps: developing and evaluating market application portfolios under conditions of high uncertainty
4) Business case development: crafting compelling strategies for opportunity exploitation and gathering resources
5) Real-life cases of ETH inventions with commercialization potential

In and around ETHZ there is a vibrant support infrastructure for technology start-ups, so the most promising projects from this course will find ample opportunities to continue further development, either through additional courses, through direct coaching and mentoring from entrepreneurs in residence, or acceleration programs, like the ETH Pioneer Fellowship program.
Skriptslides, handouts
LiteraturPreparatory materials will consist of short articles, blog posts, videos, and the occasional academic article; they form the point of departure for class discussion and work on the projects.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThis course is open to ETH students at all levels and from all departments, including PhD students who do not belong to D-MTEC. No prior knowledge of business or economics is required to successfully complete this course. Students can join with and without project ideas.

Since much of the learning in this course occurs through engagement in discussion and with the field projects, intellectual curiosity, willingness to challenge and get challenged, as well as a sense of play will help contribute to a productive learning atmosphere.