Vasileios Ntertimanis: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2023

NameHerr Dr. Vasileios Ntertimanis
Strukturmechanik und Monitoring
ETH Zürich, HIL E 33.2
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 633 79 45
DepartementBau, Umwelt und Geomatik

101-0157-01LStructural Dynamics and Vibration Problems3 KP2GM. Vassiliou, V. Ntertimanis
KurzbeschreibungFundamentals of structural dynamics are presented. Computing the response of elastic single and multiple DOF structural systems subjected to harmonic, periodic, pulse, and impulse is discussed. Practical solutions to vibration problems in flexible structures under diverse excitations are developed.
LernzielAfter successful completion of this course the students will be able to:
1. Explain the dynamic equilibrium of structures under dynamic loading.
2. Use second-order differential equations to theoretically and numerically model the dynamic equilibrium of structural systems.
3. Model structural systems using single-degree-of-freedom and multiple-degree-of-freedom models.
4. Compute the dynamic response of structural system to harmonic, periodic, pulse, and impulse excitation using time-history and response-spectrum methods.
5. Use dynamics of structures to identify the basis for structural design code provisions related to dynamic loading.
InhaltThis is a course on structural dynamics, an extension of structural analysis for loads that induce significant inertial forces and vibratory response of structures. Dynamic responses of elastic and inelastic single-degree-of-freedom and multiple-degree-of-freedom structural systems subjected to harmonic, periodic, pulse, and impulse excitation are discussed. Theoretical background and engineering guidelines for practical solutions to vibration problems in flexible structures caused by humans, machinery, wind or explosions are presented.
SkriptThe class will be taught mainly on the blackboard.

Accompanying electronic material will be uploaded to ILIAS and available through myStudies.

All the material can be found in Anil Chopra's comprehensive textbook given in the literature below.
LiteraturDynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering, 4th edition, Anil Chopra, Prentice Hall, 2014 (Global Edition), ISBN-10: 9780273774242

Vibration Problems in Structures: Practical Guidelines, Hugo Bachmann et al., Birkhäuser, Basel, 1995

Weber B., Tragwerksdynamik. .ETH Zürich, 2002.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesKnowledge of the fundamentals in structural analysis, and in structural design of reinforced concrete, steel and/or wood structures is mandatory. Working knowledge of matrix algebra and ordinary differential equations is required. Familiarity with Matlab and with structural analysis computer software is desirable.
101-0522-10LDoctoral Seminar Data Science and Machine Learning in Civil, Env. and Geospatial Engineering Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 1 KP1SV. Ntertimanis, E. Chatzi, F. Corman, I. Hajnsek, M. A. Kraus, M. Lukovic, K. Schindler, B. Soja, M. J. Van Strien
KurzbeschreibungCurrent research in machine learning and data science within the research fields of the department. The goal is to learn about current research projects at our department, to strengthen our expertise and collaboration with respect to data-driven models and methods, to provide a platform where research challenges can be discussed, and also to practice scientific presentations.
Lernziel- learn about discipline-specific methods and applications of data science in neighbouring fields
- network people and methodological expertise across disciplines
- establish links and discuss connections, common challenges and disciplinespecific differences
- practice presentation and discussion of technical content to a broader, less specialised scientific audience
InhaltCurrent research at D-BAUG will be presented and discussed.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThis doctoral seminar is intended for doctoral students affiliated with the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering. Other students who work on related topics need approval by at least one of the organisers to register for the seminar.

Participants are expected to possess elementary skills in statistics, data
science and machine learning, including both theory and practical modelling and implementation. The seminar targets students who are actively working on related research projects.
101-0523-14LFrontiers in Machine Learning Applied to Civil, Env. and Geospatial Engineering1 KP1GV. Ntertimanis, E. Chatzi, F. Corman, I. Hajnsek, M. A. Kraus, M. Lukovic, K. Schindler, B. Soja, M. J. Van Strien
KurzbeschreibungThis doctoral seminar organised by the D-BAUG platform on data science and machine learning aims at discussing recent research papers in the field of machine learning and analyzing the transferability/adaptability of the proposed approaches to applications in the field of civil and environmental engineering (if possible and applicable, also implementing the adapted algorithms).
LernzielStudents will
• Critically read scientific papers on the recent developments in machine learning
• Put the research in context
• Present the contributions
• Discuss the validity of the scientific approach
• Evaluate the underlying assumptions
• Evaluate the transferability/adpatability of the proposed approaches to own research
• (Optionally) implement the proposed approaches.
InhaltWith the increasing amount of data collected in various domains, the importance of data science in many disciplines, such as infrastructure monitoring and management, transportation, spatial planning, structural and environmental engineering, has been increasing. The field is constantly developing further with numerous advances, extensions and modifications.
The course aims at discussing recent research papers in the field of machine learning and analyzing the transferability/adaptability of the proposed approaches to applications in the field of civil and environmental engineering (if possible and applicable, also implementing the adapted algorithms).
Each student will select a paper that is relevant for his/her research and present its content in the seminar, putting it into context, analyzing the assumptions, the transferability and generalizability of the proposed approaches. The students will also link the research content of the selected paper to the own research, evaluating the potential of transferring or adapting it. If possible and applicable, the students will also implement the adapted algorithms The students will work in groups of three students, where each of the three students will be reading each other’s selected papers and providing feedback to each other.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThis doctoral seminar is intended for doctoral students affiliated with the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering. Other students who work on related topics need approval by at least one of the organisers to register for the seminar.

Participants are expected to possess elementary skills in statistics, data science and machine learning, including both theory and practical modelling and implementation. The seminar targets students who are actively working on related research projects.
173-0007-00LDynamics Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 6 KP13GE. Chatzi, V. Ntertimanis, P. Tiso
KurzbeschreibungThe course offers an introduction to dynamics of engineering systems. The first part focuses on Newtonian dynamics and energy principle to systems of particles and rigid bodies. The second part focuses on the free and forced response of single- and multi-degrees-of-freedom linear systems. Hands-on exercises, computer-based labs and experimental demos will support the theoretical lectures.
LernzielAfter successful completion of this course the students will be able to:
1. Set up the kinematic description of a system of particles and rigid bodies subject to constraints.
2. Formulate the governing equations of motion of a system particles or of rigid bodies using balance law.
3. Alternative from the above, the student will be able to derive the equations of motion using
Lagrange’s equations, d’Alembert’s principle, and Hamilton’s principle.
4. Find the equilibrium configurations of a given system, and perform linearization.
5. Compute the dynamic response of discrete systems to harmonic, periodic, pulse, and impulse excitation using time-history and response-spectrum methods.
InhaltDay-by-day course content:
Week 1
Day 1 – Recap on Newtonian Dynamics for single particle
Day 2 – Kinetics of systems of particles
Day 3 – Kinetics of Rigid bodies
Day 4 – Analytical mechanics

Week 2
Day 6 – Mechanical Vibrations
Day 7 – Elements of Structural Vibration - SDOF
Day 8 – Elements of Vibration Theory - MDOF
Day 9 – State Space Representations
Day 10 – Transformations
SkriptThe material will be organized in lecture slides.
LiteraturA specific list of books will be offered as useful/supplemental reading.