Oscar Laurent: Courses in Autumn Semester 2018

Name Dr. Oscar Laurent
DepartmentEarth and Planetary Sciences

651-4037-00LOre Deposits I
Can be chosen as an elective course within the Bachelor. Prospective MSc-Students attending the module "Mineral Resources" should attend Ore Deposits I and II in the first year of their MSc studies.
3 credits2G
651-4037-00 GOre Deposits I2 hrs
Tue08:15-10:00NO E 11 »
C. A. Heinrich, O. Laurent
651-4069-00LFluid and Melt Inclusions: Theory and Practice Restricted registration - show details 3 credits3P
651-4069-00 PFluid and Melt Inclusions: Theory and Practice
5-day block course from January 14-18, 2019
40s hrs
15.01.15:15-17:00NO D 11 »
16.01.11:15-13:00NO C 6 »
15:15-17:00NO C 6 »
17.01.13:15-19:00NO D 11 »
C. A. Heinrich, T. Driesner, O. Laurent
651-4082-00LFluids and Mineral Deposits2 credits2S
651-4082-00 SFluids and Mineral Deposits
Irregular group meeting or group seminar. Please register in myStudies and send e-mail to michael.schirra@erdw.ethz.ch to be placed on program distributor
2 hrs
Wed12:15-14:00NO E 39 »
C. A. Heinrich, T. Driesner, B. Lamy-Chappuis, O. Laurent, A. Quadt Wykradt-Hüchtenbruck, J. P. Weis