Gregory De Souza: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2019

Name Dr. Gregory De Souza
Inst. für Geochemie und Petrologie
ETH Zürich, NW C 83.1
Clausiusstrasse 25
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 69 83
Fax+41 44 632 11 79
DepartmentEarth and Planetary Sciences

651-4049-00LConceptual and Quantitative Methods in Geochemistry
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the BSc-course "Geochemistry" (651-3400-00L).
3 credits2GO. Bachmann, D. Vance, G. De Souza, B. J. Peters
AbstractThis course will introduce some of the main quantitative methods available for the quantitative treatment of geochemical data, as well as the main modelling tools. Emphasis will both be on conceptual understanding of these methods as well as on their practical application, using key software packages to analyse real geochemical datasets.
Learning objectiveDevelopment of a basic knowledge and understanding of the main tools available for the quantitative analysis of geochemical data.
ContentThe following approaches will be discussed in detail: major and trace element modelling of magmas, with application to igneous systems; methods and statistics for calculation of isochrons and model ages; reservoir dynamics and one-dimensional modelling of ocean chemistry; modelling speciation in aqueous (hydrothermal, fresh water sea water) fluids.

We will discuss how these methods are applied in a range of Earth Science fields, from cosmochemistry, through mantle and crustal geochemistry, volcanology and igneous petrology, to chemical oceanography.

A special emphasis will be put on dealing with geochemical problems through modeling. Where relevant, software packages will be introduced and applied to real geochemical data.
Lecture notesSlides of lectures will be available.
Prerequisites / NoticePre-requisite: Geochemie I and II
651-4271-00LData Analysis and Visualisation with Matlab in Earth Sciences
Information for D-INFK students: the course is only for 3rd semester BSc students.
3 credits3GS. Wiemer, G. De Souza
AbstractThis lecture and the corresponding exercises provide the students with an introduction to the concepts and tools of scientific data analysis. Based on current questions in the Earth Sciences, the students solve problems of increasing complexity both in small groups and singly using the software package MATLAB. Students also learn how to effectively visualise different kinds of datasets.
Learning objectiveThe following concepts are introduced in the course:
- Working with matrices and arrays
- Programming and development of algorithms
- Effective data analysis and visualisation in 2D and 3D
- Learning to effectively use animations
- Statistical description of a dataset
- Regression analysis
- Testing hypotheses