Anne Obermann: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2021

Name Dr. Anne Obermann
Schweiz. Erdbebendienst (SED)
ETH Zürich, NO H 63
Sonneggstrasse 5
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 76 47
Fax+41 44 633 10 65
DepartmentEarth and Planetary Sciences

651-1615-00LColloqium Geophysics Information 1 credit1KA. Obermann
AbstractThis colloquium comprises geophysical research presentations by invited leading scientists from Europe and overseas, advanced ETH Ph.D. students, new and established ETH scientists with specific new work to be shared with the institute. Topics cover the field of geophysics and related disciplines, to be delivered at the level of a well-informed M.Sc. graduate/early Ph.D. student.
Learning objectiveAttendants of this colloquium obtain a broad overview over active and frontier research areas in geophysics as well as opened questions. Invited speakers typically present recent work: Attendants following this colloquium for multiple terms will thus be able to trace new research directions, trends, potentially diminishing research areas, controversies and resolutions thereof, and thus build a solid overview of state and direction of geophysical research. Moreover, the diverse content and delivery style shall help attendants in gaining experience in how to successfully present research results.
651-3581-00LGeophysical Field Lab Information Restricted registration - show details
Priority is given to D-ERDW students. If space is available UZH Geography and Earth System Sciences students may attend this field course at full cost.
2 credits2PA. Obermann
AbstractThe geophysical field lab is a hands-on introduction into several methods of geophysical prospecting.
After a day of introduction, eight techniques are explored in half-day field experiments: Active Seismic, seismic noise measurements, gravimetrie, geomagnetics, geoelectrics and geothermal measurements.
Learning objective
Prerequisites / NoticeAttendance of this class only makes sense if an introductory lecture to geophysics has already been taken. In doubt, please contact the course responsible beforehand.

A contribution towards expenses (in the past years about 40 CHF) is collected at the beginning of the course.

Students registering for the course confirm having read and accepted the terms and conditions for excursions and field courses of D-ERDW
651-3660-00LAnalysis of Time Series in Environmental Physics and Geophysics Restricted registration - show details 3 credits2GF. Haslinger, A. Obermann
AbstractIn geoscience we are often collecting vast digitally recorded. Such time-series data can be processed to emphasize particular aspects of the signal, an enormous advantage over paper records.
We introduce fundamental tools and concepts of time-series analysis, e.g. deterministic vs stochastic processes, signal correlation, and Fourier analysis.
Learning objectiveUnderstanding of various methods for the analysis of time-dependent data.
ContentBased on various data sets we illustrate basic principles of time series and apply different methods of analysis:
deterministic and stochastic processes, stationary and non-stationary processes, sampling theorem, trend analysis, auto- and cross-correlation,
frequency analysis (Fourier Transformation).

The exercises require basic knowledge of MATLAB.
Lecture notesLecture notes and exercises are made available.
Literature- R. H. Shumway and D. S. Stoffer: Time Series Analysis and its Applications. Springer, New York, 2000.
- W.H. Press, B.P. Flannery, S.A. Teukolsky und W.T. Wetterling: Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing. Cambridge University Press.
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisites: equivalent to the first three semester of an earth science or environmental science curriculum.

Basic knowledge of matlab