Jerylee Wilkes-Allemann: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2017

Name Dr. Jerylee Wilkes-Allemann
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science

701-0747-00LEnvironmental Policy of Switzerland
The lecture takes place in CHN F46.
3 credits2VE. Lieberherr, F. Metz, J. Wilkes-Allemann
AbstractThis course presents the basics of public policy analysis and the specific characteristics of Swiss environmental policy. Policy instruments, actors and processes are addressed from a political science perspective both theoretically as well as by means of current Swiss environmental policy examples.
Learning objectiveBeyond acquiring basic knowledge about public policy analysis, this course teaches students how to analytically address current and concrete questions of environmental policy. Through exercises the students learn about political science concepts and frameworks as well as real-life political decision-making processes. The well-grounded examination of complex political conflict situations is an important precondition for the entry into the (environmental policy) workforce or a future research career.
ContentThe processes of change, overuse or destruction of the natural environment through humans have historically placed high demands on social and political institutions. In the interplay between the environment, society and economy, the environmental policy field encompasses the sum of public measures that have the goal to eliminate, reduce or avoid environmental degradation. The course systematically presents the basics of environmental policy instruments, actors, programs and processes as well as their change over time. Invited practitioners will provide us with insight regarding the current developments in forest, water and spatial planning policies. A key aspect is the distinction between politics and political science and specifically environmental policy.
Lecture notesThe lecture is based on the book Ingold et al., 2016 mentioned below. In addition to this lecture material and exercises will be posted on Moodle.
LiteratureThe lecture is based on the following book:
Ingold, K., Lieberherr, E., Schläpfer, I., Steinmann, K. und Zimmermann, W. 2016. Umweltpolitik der Schweiz: ein Lehrbuch. Zürich: Dike Verlag.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe detailed semester program (syllabus) is made available to the students at the beginning of the semester.
During the lecture we will work with Moodle and eduApp. We ask that all students register themselves on these platforms before the lecture and to bring a laptop, tablet or smartphone to class, so that you can complete exercises using Moodle and eduApp.