Darcy Molnar: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2018

Name Dr. Darcy Molnar
Institut für Umweltingenieurwiss.
ETH Zürich, HIF D 18.1
Laura-Hezner-Weg 7
8093 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 49 65
DepartmentCivil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

118-0111-00LSustainability and Water Resources Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 16.

Suitable for MSc and PhD students.
Automatic admittance is given to students of MAS Sustainable Water Resources. All other registrations accepted until capacity is reached.
3 credits2GD. Molnar, P. Burlando
AbstractThe block course on Sustainability and Water Resources features invited experts from a range of disciplines, who present their experiences working with sustainability issues related to water resources. The students are exposed to many different perspectives, and learn how to critically evaluate sustainability issues with respect to water resources management.
Learning objectiveThe course provides the students with background information on sustainability in relation to water resources within an international and multidisciplinary framework. The lectures challenge the students to consider sustainability and the importance of water availability and water scarcity in a changing world, at the same time preparing them to face the challenges of the future, e.g. climate and land use change, increased water use and population growth.
ContentThe course offers the students the opportunity to learn about sustainability and water resources in a multi-disciplinary fashion, with a focus on case studies from around the world. Selected topics include: Sustainability Issues in Water Resources, the EU Water Framework Directive, Mining in Latin America, Environmental Flows, and Water Quality Issues. Group exercises, which encourage debate and discussion, are an important component of the course. For more information, please visit http://www.mas-swr.ethz.ch/education/courses/core-courses/sustainability-and-water-resources.html
Prerequisites / NoticeFor further information, contact the MAS coordinator, Darcy Molnar (darcy.molnar@ifu.baug.ethz.ch)
118-0113-00LWater Governance: Challenges and Solutions Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants is limited to 16.

Suitable for MSc and PhD Students. Automatic admittance is given to students of the MAS in Sustainable Water Resources. All other registrations are accepted until capacity is reached.
1 credit2GP. Burlando, D. Molnar
AbstractThe block course on "Water Governance: Challenges and Solutions" features invited experts with backgrounds in international relations, law, politics, and diplomacy. Through theoretical input and case studies, students learn about the realities of water conflicts and the intricacies of cooperation and diplomacy.
Learning objectiveThe course provides students with insights into the complex realities of addressing water conflicts with sustainable solutions that promote cooperation.
ContentThe course offers students the opportunity to learn from experts who have worked on domestic and transboundary river basin issues, both in Europe and internationally. Through case studies and group exercises, students gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of water governance and current global challenges. Topics that will be addressed include stakeholder involvement, institutional legal frameworks, and solutions for cooperation.
Prerequisites / NoticeCourse details at: http://www.mas-swr.ethz.ch/education/courses/core-courses/water-governance--challenges-and-solutions.html

For further information, contact the MAS coordinator, Darcy Molnar (darcy.molnar@ifu.baug.ethz.ch)
865-0066-03LDisaster Risk Reduction: Assessing Risks and Enhancing Resilience
Only for MAS/CAS in Development and Cooperation students, as well as specialists with at least 24 months of practical experience in international cooperation.
Doctoral students dealing with empirical research in the area of development and cooperation (EZA) may be admitted "sur Dossier".
Registration only through the NADEL administration office.
2 credits3GD. Molnar, F. Brugger
AbstractTackling disaster risks that arise from natural hazards is a pressing global challenge. Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is a systematic approach to identifying and assessing the hazards that trigger disasters, with the aim of reducing vulnerabilities. The course introduces the risk landscape countries face, presents concepts and instructive case studies, and uses CEDRIG as a tool for DRR.
Learning objectiveTackling disaster risks that arise from climate variability, climate change, environmental degradation and natural hazards is widely perceived as one of the greatest current global challenges. Developing countries are particularly vulnerable to disaster risks due to their high dependence on natural resources and their limited coping capacity. The numbers and severity of disasters are on the rise, posing an increasing challenge to sustainable development, and seriously undermining core development priorities such as poverty alleviation.
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is a systematic approach to identifying, assessing and reducing the impact natural disasters might have on projects, programs and strategies. It provides a framework to address the hazards that trigger disasters and aims to reduce socio-economic vulnerabilities.
The course will introduce the risk landscape developing countries are facing, present background knowledge on DRR concepts and terminology, and use instructive case studies on integrated DRR projects. Participants will learn to systematically assess risks, vulnerabilities, and how to enhance resilience in communities by applying tools such as the Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance (CEDRIG).
ContentKey Topics
• Risks associated with natural hazards, environmental degradation, and climate change
• Vulnerabilities facing societies as a result of disasters and climate change
• Approaches used in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
• Incorporating resilience into development projects and programs
• Practical examples of integrated approaches to DRR in development cooperation
• Tools and methodologies to integrate DRR into projects or programs