Jan Klohs-Füchtemeier: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2021

NameHerr Prof. Dr. Jan Klohs-Füchtemeier
Inst. f. Biomedizinsche Technik
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 4
HCI D426
8093 Zürich
DepartementInformationstechnologie und Elektrotechnik

227-0396-00LEXCITE Interdisciplinary Summer School on Bio-Medical Imaging Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
The school admits 60 MSc or PhD students with backgrounds in biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, computer science or engineering based on a selection process.

Students have to apply for acceptance. To apply a curriculum vitae and an application letter need to be submitted.
Further information can be found at: www.excite.ethz.ch.
4 KP6GS. Kozerke, G. Csúcs, J. Klohs-Füchtemeier, S. F. Noerrelykke, M. P. Wolf
KurzbeschreibungTwo-week summer school organized by EXCITE (Center for EXperimental & Clinical Imaging TEchnologies Zurich) on biological and medical imaging. The course covers X-ray imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear imaging, ultrasound imaging, optoacoustic imaging, infrared and optical microscopy, electron microscopy, image processing and analysis.
LernzielStudents understand basic concepts and implementations of biological and medical imaging. Based on relative advantages and limitations of each method they can identify preferred procedures and applications. Common foundations and conceptual differences of the methods can be explained.
InhaltTwo-week summer school on biological and medical imaging. The course covers concepts and implementations of X-ray imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear imaging, ultrasound imaging, optoacoustic imaging, infrared and optical microscopy and electron microscopy. Multi-modal and multi-scale imaging and supporting technologies such as image analysis and modeling are discussed. Dedicated modules for physical and life scientists taking into account the various backgrounds are offered.
SkriptPresentation slides, Web links
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe school admits 60 MSc or PhD students with backgrounds in biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, computer science or engineering based on a selection process. To apply a curriculum vitae, a statement of purpose and applicants references need to be submitted. Further information can be found at: http://www.excite.ethz.ch/education/summer-school.html