Jan Schmitz: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

Name Dr. Jan Schmitz
DepartmentHumanities, Social and Political Sciences

851-0609-08LResearch Seminar in Experimental Social Sciences and Humanities
If you are interested in presenting in the seminar, please contact Jan Schmitz (Schmitz@econ.gess.ethz.ch), and state your preferred date of presentation, the title of the presentation and whether the presentation is a design presentation or a full paper presentation
0 credits1SJ. Schmitz, M. Grieder, C. Hölscher, M. Schonger, R. Schubert, C. Waibel, S. Wehrli
AbstractThe aim of the seminar is to establish a research and networking platform for researchers conducting social science experiments at the ETH and to offer an outlet to present designs for laboratory and field experiments before data collection. Presentations of first study results and working papers are also welcome.
Learning objectiveThe research seminar is open to all students, scientific staff, and faculty interested in experimental research in the areas of economics, sociology and psychology. The aim of the seminar is to establish a research and networking platform for researchers conducting experiments at the ETH and to offer an outlet to present designs for laboratory and field experiments before data collection. Presentations of first study results and working papers are also welcome.

Objective: Establish a research and networking platform for researchers conducting experiments at the ETH and to offer an outlet to present designs for laboratory and field experiments before data collection. Presentations of first study results and working papers are also welcome.