Onur Mutlu: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2016

Name Prof. Dr. Onur Mutlu
FieldComputer Science
Dep. Inf.techno.u.Elektrotechnik
ETH Zürich, ETZ G 61.2
Gloriastrasse 35
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 88 53
DepartmentComputer Science
RelationshipFull Professor

263-3504-00LHardware Acceleration for Data Processing Information 2 credits2SG. Alonso, T. Hoefler, O. Mutlu
AbstractThe seminar will cover topics related to data processing using new hardware in general and hardware accelerators (GPU, FPGA, specialized processors) in particular.
Learning objectiveThe seminar will cover topics related to data processing using new hardware in general and hardware accelerators (GPU, FPGA, specialized processors) in particular.
ContentThe general application areas are big data and machine learning. The systems covered will include systems from computer architecture, high performance computing, data appliances, and data centers.
Prerequisites / NoticeStudents taking this seminar should have the necessary background in systems and low level programming.