Ralph Peter Evins: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2016

NameHerr Dr. Ralph Peter Evins

066-0418-00LWhole Building Simulation Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Limited number of participants.
Priority will be given to MBS students. Please send an email to (bauphysik@arch.ethz.ch) after signing up in mystudies.
3 KP2GK. Orehounig, R. P. Evins
KurzbeschreibungThis course discusses the application of whole building simulation in the design, operation, and retrofitting process of buildings.
Lernziel- Understand energy and mass conservation principles in the analysis of energy performance of buildings;
- Use of building simulation in design, operation, and retrofitting process of buildings;
- Integrating HVAC, renewable energy and storage technologies
- Annual simulations, systems sizing, heating and cooling calculations, summer comfort calculations
- Obtaining and interpreting simulation results, parametric studies
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesOnly a restricted number of places is available for this course. Priority will be given to MBS students. Please send an email to (bauphysik@arch.ethz.ch) after signing up in mystudies.
066-0422-16LBuilding Systems3 KP3GR. P. Evins, V. Dorer, K. Orehounig, A. Schlüter
KurzbeschreibungThe course gives an overview on concepts and design of building energy supply and ventilation systems, renewable technologies, thermal comfort, indoor air quality, and integrated systems.
Lernziel1. Thermal comfort and indoor air quality
2. Building energy supply systems: heaters; chillers; storage;
3. Ventilation and conditioning: natural; mixed-mode; mechanical; dehumidification
4. Renewable energy: solar thermal collectors; heat pumps; ground source; biomass
5. Design of heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems
6. Integrated systems: passive cooling; TABS; seasonal storage; cogeneration; low temperature / low exergy systems
227-0680-00LBuilding Control and Automation Information 3 KP2V + 2UJ. Lygeros, R. P. Evins, C. Gähler, M. Hohmann, R. Smith
KurzbeschreibungIntroduction to basic concepts from automatic control theory and their application to the control and automation of buildings.
LernzielIntroduce students to fundamental concepts from control theory: State space models, frequency domain models, feedback. Demonstrate the application of these concepts to building control for energy efficiency and other objectives.
InhaltIntroduction to modeling
State space models and differential equations
Laplace transforms and basic feedback control
Discrete time systems
Model predictive control for building climate regulation
Regulating building energy consumption and energy hub concepts
Building automation
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesExposure to ordinary differential equations and Laplace trasforms.