Fritz Brugger: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2020

NameHerr Dr. Fritz Brugger
Professur für Entwicklungsökonomie
ETH Zürich, CLD B 11
Clausiusstrasse 37
8092 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 632 50 97
DepartementGeistes-, Sozial- und Staatswissenschaften

860-0015-00LSupply and Responsible Use of Mineral Resources I Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 3 KP2GB. Wehrli, F. Brugger, K. Dolejs Schlöglova, S. Hellweg, C. Karydas
KurzbeschreibungStudents critically assess the economic, social, political, and environmental implications of extracting and using energy resources, metals, and bulk materials along the mineral resource cycle for society. They explore various decision-making tools that support policies and guidelines pertaining to mineral resources, and gain insight into different perspectives from government, industry, and NGOs.
LernzielStudents will be able to:
- Explain basic concepts applied in resource economics, economic geology, extraction, processing and recycling technologies, environmental and health impact assessments, resource governance, and secondary materials.
- Evaluate the policies and guidelines pertaining to mineral resource extraction.
- Examine decision-making tools for mineral resource related projects.
- Engage constructively with key actors from governmental organizations, mining and trading companies, and NGOs, dealing with issues along the mineral resource cycle.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBachelor of Science, Architecture or Engineering, and enrolled in a Master's or PhD program at ETH Zurich. Students must be enrolled in this course in order to participate in the case study module course 860-0016-00 Supply and Responsible Use of Mineral Resources II.
860-0016-00LSupply and Responsible Use of Mineral Resources II Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Prerequisite is 860-0015-00 Supply and Responsible Use of Mineral Resources I. Limited to 12 participants. First priority will be given to students enrolled in the Master of Science, Technology, and Policy Program. These students must confirm their participation by February 7th by registration through myStudies. Students on the waiting list will be notified at the start of the semester.
3 KP2UB. Wehrli, F. Brugger, S. Pfister
KurzbeschreibungStudents integrate their knowledge of mineral resources and technical skills to frame and investigate a commodity-specific challenge faced by countries involved in resource extraction. By own research they evaluate possible policy-relevant solutions, engaging in interdisciplinary teams coached by tutors and experts from natural social and engineering sciences.
LernzielStudents will be able to:
- Integrate, and extend by own research, their knowledge of mineral resources from course 860-0015-00, in a solution-oriented team with mixed expertise
- Apply their problem solving, and analytical skills to critically assess, and define a complex, real-world mineral resource problem, and propose possible solutions.
- Summarize and synthesize published literature and expert knowledge, evaluate decision-making tools, and policies applied to mineral resources.
- Document and communicate the findings in concise group presentations and a report.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrerequisite is 860-0015-00 Supply and Responsible Use of Mineral Resources I. Limited to 12 participants. First priority will be given to students enrolled in the Master of Science, Technology, and Policy Program. These students must confirm their participation by February 7th by registration through MyStudies. Students on the waiting list will be notified at the start of the semester.
865-0044-00LEvaluation von Projekten
Nur für Studierende des MAS bzw. CAS in Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit sowie Fachkräfte mit mind. 24 Monaten Berufserfahrung in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit.
Doktoranden, die sich mit empirischer Forschung im EZA-Bereich befassen, können "sur Dossier" zugelassen werden.

Belegung nur über das NADEL-Sekretariat möglich.
2 KP3GK. Schneider, F. Brugger
KurzbeschreibungDer Kurs befasst sich mit verschiedenen Ansätzen und Typen von Evaluationen im Rahmen von Entwicklungsprojekten. Die Teilnehmenden erwerben Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten für den Einsatz von Methoden zur Analyse von Projektprozessen und -resultaten und deren Verwendung im Projektmanagement. Um das Verständnis zu vertiefen, wird mit praktischen Projektbeispielen gearbeitet.
LernzielDer Kurs befähigt Evaluationsprozesse effektiv und effizient zu planen und zu steuern.
Inhalt- Zweck, Konzipierung und Durchführung von Evaluationen
- Evaluationsstandards
- Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Evaluierungsmethoden
- Qualitätssicherung und Umsetzung von Evaluationsergebnissen
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesDer Besuch der Lehrveranstaltung ist an Voraussetzungen gebunden, die der Homepage des NADEL zu entnehmen sind. Elektronische Einschreibung darf erst nach Einschreibung am NADEL-Sekretariat erfolgen.
865-0066-04LICT4D – Concepts, Strategies and Good Practices
Only for MAS/CAS in Development and Cooperation students, as well as specialists with at least 24 months of practical experience in international cooperation.

ETH doctoral students working on topics related to poverty reduction in low- and middle income countries may also be admitted.

ETH MA/MSc students apply with a letter of motivation to the NADEL administration office.

Registration only through the NADEL administration office.
2 KP3GF. Brugger
KurzbeschreibungInformation and communication technologies (ICTs) represent the deepest technical change experienced in international development. Digital development strategies need to be broader than ICT strategies. This course assesses the role of ICTs in development, discusses the existing evidence on the impact of ICT on development, and introduces key concepts and methods for ICT4D practice and strategy.
LernzielInformation and communication technologies (ICTs) represent the fastest and deepest technical change experienced in international development. By now, they affect every development sector – the work of farmers and micro-entrepreneurs, healthcare workers and microfinance institutions, social mobilization and political change. Yet, the ‘digital dividends’ are unevenly distributed and questions of ‘data justice’ in development are largely unexplored. To close the gap, just greater digital adoption will not be enough. Digital development strategies need to be broader than ICT strategies. This course helps to understand the role of ICTs in development, discusses the existing evidence on the impact of ICT on development, and introduces key concepts and methods for ICT4D practice and strategy.
Inhalt• ICTs and development: the conceptual links
• The impact of ICT on development: evidence from research
• Digital revolution and its analog foundations
• Concepts, strategies and components needed for ICT4D to work
• ICT4D and project cycle management
• Good practice in implementing ICT4D
• Emerging technologies and models relevant for ICT-enabled development
865-0100-01LPlanning and Monitoring of Projects
Nur für Studierende des MAS in Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit.

Einschreibung nur über das NADEL-Sekretariat.
1 KP2GK. Schneider, F. Brugger, L. B. Nilsen
KurzbeschreibungThe course provides a deeper understanding of the methodological foundations of results-oriented planning and steering of development projects, with focus on complexity, uncertainty, and project management.
LernzielThe course participants are able to reflect upon experiences from the project assignment and to deepen his/her knowledge related to selected aspects of planning and monitoring of projects.
Inhalt• Review of the project cycle and planning of projects
• Complexity and uncertainty
• Leadership and management
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesStudents of the course must fulfill requirements specified on the homepage of NADEL.