Fritz Brugger: Lerneinheiten im Frühjahrssemester 2021

NameHerr Dr. Fritz Brugger
Professur für Entwicklungsökonomie
ETH Zürich, CLD B 11
Clausiusstrasse 37
8092 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 632 50 97
DepartementGeistes-, Sozial- und Staatswissenschaften

860-0015-00LSupply and Responsible Use of Mineral Resources I Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 3 KP2GB. Wehrli, F. Brugger, K. Dolejs Schlöglova, M. Haupt, C. Karydas
860-0016-00LSupply and Responsible Use of Mineral Resources II Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 12.
First priority will be given to students enrolled in the Master of Science, Technology, and Policy Program. These students must confirm their participation by 12.02.2021 by registration through myStudies. Students on the waiting list will be notified at the start of the semester.

Prerequisite is 860-0015-00 Supply and Responsible Use of Mineral Resources I.
3 KP2UB. Wehrli, F. Brugger, S. Pfister