Anett Hofmann: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

Name Dr. Anett Hofmann
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science

751-1010-00LIntroduction to Scientific Methods Part II: Scientific Writing Restricted registration - show details 2 credits4GR. Kölliker, M. Barthel, P. C. Brunner, A. K. Gilgen, M. C. Härdi-Landerer, J. Helfenstein, A. Hofmann, A. Oberson Dräyer, E. A. Pérez Torres, B. Studer, D. J. Wüpper
AbstractDie Studierenden kennen die Grundlagen und die Konventionen des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens in den Naturwissenschaften, können wissenschaftliche Literatur suchen und verwalten sowie wissenschaftliche Publikationen analysieren. Sie setzen das Gelernte beim Schreiben eines eigenen Textes um.
Learning objectiveDie Studierenden kennen die Grundlagen und die Konventionen des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens in den Naturwissenschaften. Sie setzen das Gelernte beim Schreiben eines kritischen Literaturberichtes zu einem agrarwissenschaftlichen Thema ihrer Wahl um. Die Lehrveranstaltung bereitet die Studierenden auf weitere schriftliche Arbeiten im Studium der Agrarwissenschaften vor, beispielsweise auf die Bachelor-Arbeit.
Lecture notesEs wird ein Skript abgegeben.
Prerequisites / NoticeDie Note für die LV Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (Teil I: Grundlagen (WiA) und
Teil II: Wissenschaftliches Schreiben (WiSch)) setzt sich aus den Leistungen der Lehrveranstaltungen im
4. und 5. Semester zusammen. Die Note für WiSch (5. Sem.) zählt zu 80% zur Gesamtnote und setzt
sich zusammen aus der Note für den kritischen Literaturbericht (80%), der Abgabe der beiden Peer-
Feedbacks (je 5%) und der Einhaltung der beiden Deadlines (Abgabe Gliederungsentwurf und Abgabe
Literaturbericht (je 5%))
751-5001-00LAgroecologists without Borders2 credits2SA. Hofmann, J. Dierks, J. Six
AbstractIn this seminar students apply their knowledge on sustainable agriculture, tropical soils and land use to a case study related to a current research project from the Sustainable Agroecosystems group. The seminar offers interactions with researchers and extension specialists working in the context of agricultural development.
Learning objective(1) Students analyze one concrete example of an agricultural research project in a tropical agroecosystem.
(2) Students broaden their understanding of environmental and socio-economic challenges of smallholder farmers.
(3) Students articulate complexity and challenges in agricultural development interventions.
(4) Students develop their science communication skills by producing science communication materials in the context of the given case study.
(5) Students practice their project management skills and write a project management plan.
ContentIn fall term 2018 the case study will be on agroforestry in central Malawi. The case study is closely related to the ongoing research project "Trees for the enhancement of mycorrhizal functioning in low-input maize cropping systems" by Janina Dierks ( and science communication materials will be developed for the implementation in a rural context in central Malawi.
Prerequisites / NoticeStudents signing up for this class should have a strong interest in tropical agriculture and science communication.
751-5003-00LSustainable Agroecosystems II2 credits2VJ. Six, M. Hartmann, A. Hofmann
AbstractThis class conveys current topics and methods of agroecological research through selected case studies from ongoing research projects of the Sustainable Agroecosystems group, complemented by and hands-on exercises. Students will gain an overview on actors in the field of sustainable agricultural development.
Learning objective(1) Analyzing case studies from current agroecological research, (2) Training in methods for field and laboratory investigations in agroecology, (3) Getting to know institutions in the context of sustainable agricultural development.
LiteratureGliessman, S.R. (2014) Agroecology: the ecology of sustainable food systems. 3rd edition, CRC Press. 405 p.
Prerequisites / NoticePrior participation in the lecture Nachhaltige Agrarökosysteme I (Sustainable Agroecosystems I) 751-5000-00G (spring term) recommended.
751-5201-00LTropical Cropping Systems, Soils and Livelihoods (with Excursion) Restricted registration - show details 5 credits5GJ. Six, A. Hofmann
AbstractThis course guides students in analyzing and comprehending tropical agroecosystems and food systems. Students gain practical knowledge of field methods, diagnostic tools and survey methods for tropical soils and agroecosystems. An integral part of the course is the two-week field project in Western Kenya, which is co-organized with University of Eldoret (Kenya) and KU Leuven (Belgium).
Learning objective(1) Overview of the major land use systems in the East African Rift valley.
(2) Transdisciplinary analysis of agricultural production systems in Western Kenya (Bungoma County).
(3) Hands-on training on the use of field methods, diagnostic tools and survey methods.
(4) Collaboration in international student teams (MSc students from Switzerland, Belgium and Kenya)
Prerequisites / NoticeThe field project in Western Kenya will take place from Nov. 10 to Nov. 25, 2018.

The number of participants of this class is limited to 20 students due to capacity limitations for the field project in Kenya.

Participating students are strongly recommended to verify with lecturers from other courses whether their absence of two weeks may affect their performance in the respective courses.

If you have questions regarding this class, please contact: