Volodymyr Korkhov: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2023

Name Prof. Dr. Volodymyr Korkhov
FieldMembrane Proteins and Signal Transduction
Dep. Biologie
Paul Scherrer Institut
5232 Villigen PSI
RelationshipAssociate Professor

551-0336-00LMethods in Cellular Biochemistry Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 19.
The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.
6 credits7PI. Zemp, T. Kleele, V. Korkhov, U. Kutay, T. Michaels, M. Peter
AbstractStudents will learn about biochemical approaches to analyze cellular functions. The course consists of practical projects in small groups, lectures and literature discussions. The course concludes with the presentation of results at a poster session.
Learning objectiveStudents will learn to design, carry out and assess experiments using current biochemical and cell biological strategies to analyze cellular functions in model systems. In particular they will learn novel imaging techniques along with biochemical approaches to understand fundamental cellular pathways. Furthermore, they will learn to assess strengths and limitations of the different approaches and be able to discuss their validity for the analysis of cellular functions.
LiteratureDocumentation and recommended literature (review articles and selected primary literature) will be provided during the course.
Prerequisites / NoticeThis course will be taught in English.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Project Managementfostered
Social CompetenciesCommunicationassessed
Cooperation and Teamworkfostered
Personal CompetenciesCreative Thinkingfostered
Critical Thinkingassessed
Integrity and Work Ethicsfostered
Self-awareness and Self-reflection fostered
Self-direction and Self-management fostered
551-0351-00LMembrane Biology Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 12.
The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.
6 credits7PV. Korkhov, U. Kutay, S. C. Zeeman
AbstractThe course will introduce the students to the key concepts in membrane biology and will allow them to be involved in laboratory projects related to that broad field. The course will consist of lectures, literature discussions, and practical laboratory work in small groups. Results of the practical projects will be presented during the poster session at the end of the course.
Learning objectiveThe aim of the course is to expose the students to a wide range of modern research areas encompassed by the field of membrane biology.
ContentStudents will be engaged in research projects aimed at understanding the biological membranes at the molecular, organellar and cellular levels. Students will design and perform experiments, evaluate experimental results, analyze the current scientific literature and understand the relevance of their work in the context of the current state of the membrane biology field.
Lecture notesNo script
LiteratureThe recommended literature, including reviews and primary research articles, will be provided during the course
Prerequisites / NoticeThe course will be taught in English. All general lectures will be held at ETH Hoenggerberg. Students will be divided into small groups to carry out experiments at ETH or at the Paul Scherrer Institute. Travel to the Paul Scherrer Institute will be by public transportation.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Media and Digital Technologiesassessed
Project Managementfostered
Social CompetenciesCommunicationassessed
Cooperation and Teamworkassessed
Leadership and Responsibilityfostered
Self-presentation and Social Influence fostered
Sensitivity to Diversityfostered
Personal CompetenciesAdaptability and Flexibilityfostered
Creative Thinkingassessed
Critical Thinkingassessed
Integrity and Work Ethicsfostered
Self-awareness and Self-reflection fostered
Self-direction and Self-management assessed
551-1005-00LBioanalytics Information 4 credits4GP. Picotti, F. Allain, V. Korkhov, M. Pilhofer, R. Schlapbach, K. Weis, K. Wüthrich, further lecturers
AbstractThe course will introduce students to a selected set of laboratory techniques that are foundational to modern biological research.
Learning objectiveFor each of the techniques covered in the course, the students will be able to explain:
a) the physical, chemical and biological principles underlying the technique,
b) the requirements for the sample,
c) the type of raw data collected by the technique,
d) the assumptions and auxiliarry information used in the interpretation of the data and
e) how these data can be used to answer a given biological question.
By the end of the course the students will be able to select the appropriate experimental technique to answer a given biological problem and will be able to discuss the
advantages and limitations of individual techniques as well as how different techniques can be combined to gain a more complete understanding of a given biological questions.
ContentThe course will be based on a combination of lectures, selfstudy elements and exercises.

The focus will be on the following experimental techniques:

- DNA sequencing
- chromatography
- mass-spectrometry
- UV/Vis and fluorescence spectrometry
- light microscopy
- electron microscopy
- X-ray crystallography
- NMR spectroscopy
Lecture notesThe course is supported by a Moodle page that gives access to all supporting materials necessary for the course.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Media and Digital Technologiesfostered
Project Managementfostered
Personal CompetenciesCreative Thinkingassessed
Critical Thinkingassessed
Self-awareness and Self-reflection fostered
551-1303-00LCellular Biochemistry of Health and Disease Restricted registration - show details 4 credits2ST. Kleele, V. Korkhov, G. Neurohr, V. Panse, M. Peter, A. E. Smith, F. van Drogen
AbstractDuring this Masters level seminar style course, students will explore current research topics in cellular biochemistry focused on the structure, function and regulation of selected cell components, and the consequences of dysregulation for pathologies.
Learning objectiveStudents will work with experts toward a critical analysis of cutting-edge research in the domain of cellular biochemistry, with emphasis on normal cellular processes and the consequences of their dysregulation. At the end of the course, students will be able to evaluate, critically discuss and write about scientific articles in the research area of cellular biochemistry, and they will identify open testable research questions.
ContentGuided by an expert in the field, students will engage in classical round-table style discussions of current literature with occasional frontal presentations. Students will alternate as discussion leaders throughout the semester, with the student leader responsible to briefly summarize key general knowledge and context of the assigned primary research paper. Together with the faculty expert, all students will participate in discussion of the primary paper, including the foundation of the biological question, specific questions addressed, key methods, key results, remaining gaps and research implications. By the end of the semester, students will formulate their ideas about open testable research questions that extend from the published work.
LiteratureThe literature will be provided during the course
Prerequisites / NoticeThe course will be taught in English.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Social CompetenciesCommunicationfostered
Cooperation and Teamworkfostered
Personal CompetenciesAdaptability and Flexibilityfostered
Creative Thinkingfostered
Critical Thinkingassessed
Self-direction and Self-management fostered