Diane de Julien de Zelicourt: Course units in Autumn Semester 2023

NameMs Diane de Julien de Zelicourt
Professur für Thermodynamik
ETH Zürich, ML J 27.1
Sonneggstrasse 3
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 02 28
DepartmentInformation Technology and Electrical Engineering

227-0981-00LCross-Disciplinary Research and Development in Medicine and Engineering Restricted registration - show details
A maximum of 12 medical degree students and 12 (biomedical) engineering degree students can be admitted, their number should be equal.

IMPORTANT: Note that a special permission from the lecturers is required to register for this course. Contact the head lecturer to that end.
4 credits2V + 2AV. Kurtcuoglu, D. de Julien de Zelicourt, M. Meboldt, M. Schmid Daners