Gabriela Hug: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2021 |
Name | Frau Prof. Dr. Gabriela Hug |
Lehrgebiet | Elektrische Energieübertragung |
Adresse | Inst. f. El. Energieübertragung ETH Zürich, ETL G 26 Physikstrasse 3 8092 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
Telefon | +41 44 633 81 91 | | |
URL | |
Departement | Informationstechnologie und Elektrotechnik |
Beziehung | Ordentliche Professorin |
Nummer | Titel | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende | |
227-0085-14L | Projekte & Seminare: Technical and Economic Aspects of Renewable Energy Supply Nur für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie BSc. Die Lerneinheit kann nur einmal belegt werden. Eine wiederholte Belegung in einem späteren Semester ist nicht anrechenbar. | 3 KP | 3P | G. Hug | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Der Bereich Praktika, Projekte, Seminare umfasst Lehrveranstaltungen in unterschiedlichen Formaten zum Erwerb von praktischen Kenntnissen und Fertigkeiten. Ausserdem soll selbstständiges Experimentieren und Gestalten gefördert, exploratives Lernen ermöglicht und die Methodik von Projektarbeiten vermittelt werden. | ||||
Lernziel | More and more sustainable and renewable energy technologies are used for electricity generation to cope with climate change. These distributed resources transform the electric power grid and impose major challenges. In this seminar, students have the opportunity to glance at cutting-edge research in the field of power systems. Possible research questions might be: - How to integrate distributed energy generation like PV plants and wind turbines into the electricity grid? - What challenges does the increasing share of electric vehicles and batteries impose on the power grid? - How to cope for the uncertain generation capacity of renewables and how to forecast it? - How does the electricity market work and how do the new sources of flexibility transform it? Students will prepare a presentation and a report on their individual research question, which is based on an assigned paper. The main objectives are to practice literature review, scientific writing and presenting. Students will learn to independently understand specific research results – a crucial skill for academic research including semester and master projects. The language of instruction is English. Registrations for the seminar are binding. | ||||
227-0528-00L | Power System Dynamics, Control and Operation | 6 KP | 4G | G. Hug | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The electric power system is a system that is never in steady state due to constant changes in load and generation inputs. This course is dedicated to the dynamical properties of the electric power grid including how the system state is estimated, generation/load balance is ensured by frequency control and how the system reacts in case of faults in the system. The course includes two excursions. | ||||
Lernziel | The learning objectives of the course are to understand and be able to apply the dynamic modeling of power systems, to compute and discuss the actions of generators based on frequency control, to describe the workings of a synchronous machine and the implications on the grid, to describe and apply state estimation procedures, to discuss the IT infrastructure and protection algorithms in power systems. | ||||
Inhalt | The electric power system is a system that is never in steady state due to constant changes in load and generation inputs. Consequently, the monitoring and operation of the electric power grid is a challenging task. The course starts with the introduction of general operational procedures and the discussion of state estimation which is an important tool to observe the state of the grid. The course is then dedicated to the modeling and studying of the dynamical properties of the electric power grid. Frequency control which ensures the generation/load balance in real time is the basis for real-time control and is presented in depth. For the analysis of how the system detects and reacts dynamically in fault situations, protection and dynamic models for synchronous machines are introduced. | ||||
Skript | Lecture notes. WWW pages. | ||||
227-0530-00L | Optimization in Energy Systems | 6 KP | 4G | G. Hug | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The course covers various aspects of optimization with a focus on applications to energy networks and scheduling of hydro power. Throughout the course, concepts from optimization theory are introduced followed by practical applications of the discussed approaches. | ||||
Lernziel | After this class, the students should have a good handle on how to approach a research question which involves optimization and implement and solve the resulting optimization problem by choosing appropriate tools. | ||||
Inhalt | In our everyday’s life, we always try to take the decision which results in the best outcome. But how do we know what the best outcome will be? What are the actions leading to this optimal outcome? What are the constraints? These questions also have to be answered when controlling a system such as energy systems. Optimization theory provides the opportunity to find the answers by using mathematical formulation and solution of an optimization problem. The course covers various aspects of optimization with a focus on applications to energy networks. Throughout the course, concepts from optimization theory are introduced followed by practical applications of the discussed approaches. The applications are focused on 1) the Optimal Power Flow problem which is formulated and solved to find optimal device settings in the electric power grid and 2) the scheduling problem of hydro power plants which in many countries, including Switzerland, dominate the electric power generation. On the theoretical side, the formulation and solving of unconstrained and constrained optimization problems, multi-time step optimization, stochastic optimization including probabilistic constraints and decomposed optimization (Lagrangian and Benders decomposition) are discussed. | ||||
247-0102-00L | Electric Power Grid Systems Only for CAS in Applied Technology in Energy and MAS in Applied Technology. | 3 KP | 2G | C. Franck, G. Hug | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This module provides an overview over the technical operation and management of power grid systems. | ||||
Lernziel | Participants will gain an understanding of the operation and management of power grid systems, including challenges and opportunities for future developments. | ||||
Inhalt | For decades, electric power grid systems remained essentially unchanged. Now, they are undergoing significant changes driven by technology. Despite or maybe even because of these changes it is important to understand the fundamental setup and workings of the electric power grid. Participants will learn about the technical operation and management of traditional power grid systems. The fundamental equipment and mechanisms responsible for transforming and transporting electricity to end users and the concept of AC power will be explained. Typical grid connections and management and the underlying physical principles will be discussed. The opportunities for and barriers to future grid technology and systems from both an operator’s and end user’s perspective will be explored, potentially including distributed generation, microgrids/islanding, demand response, virtual power plants, etc. | ||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | MAS AT participants must have successfully completed CAS 1 and 2 in order to enrol. Non-MAS applicants must satisfy the following requirements: - Demonstrated managerial experience working with technology companies or industries - Good knowledge of English - ETH recognized Master’s degree* CAS ATE applications will be reviewed by the Admission Committee of the Certificate Programme. The final decision is communicated in writing. * For non-MAS applicants, preference may be given to applicants with technical degrees or demonstrated practical knowledge in a relevant field for the purpose of maintaining a higher level of technical discussion. |