Niklas Kuno Naehrig: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2016

Name Dr. Niklas Kuno Naehrig

063-0313-16LHistory of Art and Architecture V: Architecture and the History of the Future Information 1 credit1VN. K. Naehrig
AbstractThe history of the notion of future in architectural production since the early modern period
Learning objectiveDeepen the basic knowledge
ContentThe idea of the future not as a divinely predetermined, but as a designable space in time, was developed since the early modern period. The discovery of the future opened a rich field of activity also for architects: beyond traditional building tasks, dealing with future designs such as "The House of the Future" and "The City of the Future" have become leitmotifs of architectural production.
Beginning in the Renaissance the lecture uses case studies to retrace the appropriation of the principle of the future by architects. Besides well-known designs for homes of the future, as of Alison and Peter Smithson (1956), and the presentation of futuristic living arrangements at exhibitions ( "Homes of Tomorrow", Chicago, 1933), the creation and transformation of the concept of future will be discussed, that, as in the case of the Italian Futurism (1909-1944), was decisive for certain phases of Western cultural history.
063-0319-16LHistory of Art and Architecture (Thesis Elective) Information Restricted registration - show details 6 credits11AI. Heinze-Greenberg, N. K. Naehrig
AbstractEssay on a Subject from the Field of Architectural History
Learning objectiveIndependent preparation of a scholarly essay on a topic from the field of architectural history.
ContentThe aim of the elective course paper is to discuss a topic freely selected from the field of architectural history, in agreement with the assistant lecturer(s). In addition to original ideas, positions taken in the history of research on the subject should also be discussed. It is important to use the correct scholarly format and clear language. The paper should be approximately 40'000 characters in length and should also include as much pictorial material as needed.
Prerequisites / NoticePlease contact the assistants before the inscribtion.