Claudio Madonna: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2023

Name Dr. Claudio Madonna
Geologisches Institut
ETH Zürich, NO E 63
Sonneggstrasse 5
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 20 90
DepartmentEarth and Planetary Sciences

651-4111-00LExperimental Rock Physics and Deformation Restricted registration - show details 3 credits2GL. Tokle, C. Madonna, A. S. Zappone
AbstractWe illustrate some physical properties, deformation mechanisms, and define flow laws. We show the fundamental techniques for the measurement in laboratory of density, permeability, elastic properties and deformation. We presented actual case studies and discuss upscaling from laboratory to field.
Learning objectiveThe objective of this course is to introduce rock physics and rock deformation, and discuss the aid of laboratory tests to interpretation at large scale .

Rock Physics provides the understanding to connect geomechanical and geophysical data to the intrinsic properties of rocks, such as mineral composition and texture. Rock Physics is a key component in geo-resources exploration and exploitation, and in geo-hazard assessment.

For rock deformation we will illustrate how to determined flow-laws of rocks from experiments and how to extrapolate to natural conditions. Since the time scale of laboratory experiments is several orders of magnitude faster than nature, we will compare the microstructure of natural rocks with that produced during the experiments to prove that the same mechanisms are operating.
For this purpose, the fundamental techniques of experimental rock deformation will be illustrated and test on natural rock samples in the plastic deformation regime (high temperature) as well in the brittle regime ( room temperature) will be presented. We will perform tests in the lab, to acquire the data, to correct for calibration and to process the data and finally to interpret the data.

The course is at Master student level, but will be useful for PhDs students who want to begin to work in experimental deformation or who want to know the meaning and the limitation of laboratory flow-laws for geodynamic modelling
ContentThe course will focus on research-based term project, lectures will alternate with laboratory demonstrations.

We will illustrate how intrinsic properties of rocks (mineral composition, porosity, pore fluids, crystallographic orientation, microstructures) are connected to the following physical properties:
- permeability;
- elastic properties for seismic interpretations;
- anisotropy of the above physical properties.
We will measure some of those parameters in laboratory and discuss real case studies and applications.

Principles of deformation mechanisms, flow laws, and deformation mechanism maps will be presented in lectures.
In laboratory we will show:
- Experimental deformation rigs (gas, fluid and solid confining media);
- Main part of the apparatus (mechanical, hydraulic, heating system, data logging);
- Calibration of an apparatus (distortion of the rig; transducers calibration);
- Various types of tests (axial deformation; diagonal cut and torsion; deformation; constant strain rate tests; creep tests; stepping tests);
Prerequisites / NoticeThe course of Structural Geology (651-3422-00L) is highly recommended before attending this course.
Moreover the students should have basic knowledge in geophysics and mineralogy/crystallography.

In doubt, please contact the course responsible beforehand.
651-4125-00LRock and Soil Mechanical Lab Practical Restricted registration - show details 3 credits2PL. de Palézieux dit Falconnet, C. Madonna, L. Nibourel, R. Vidanage De Silva
AbstractIn this course, students will gain hands on experience performing laboratory and index tests commonly used in Rock and Soil Mechanics. The course is divided into two modules, with half the semester devoted to rock mechanic testing, and half to soil mechanics testing.
Learning objectiveThis course introduces the fundamentals of laboratory testing of rock and soil. Students will learn how to interpret laboratory data, the expected accuracy and limitations of common laboratory tests and the most appropriate testing method(s) for a given problem.
ContentIn the Rock Mechanics lab, the following laboratory tests are performed: Ultrasonic velocity measurements, Point load test, Brazilian tensile test, Uniaxial compression test, Triaxial compression test. Through performing these experiments, students will get familiar with stress-strain curves, tensile, unconfined, and confined strength of rocks, Young’s modulus and Poisson ratio, and finally cohesion and friction angle of intact rocks.

In the Soil Mechanics Lab, the following seven laboratory tests are performed: Sieve Analysis, Hydrometer Analysis, Atterberg Limits, Proctor Compaction, Direct Shear Test, Falling Head Permeability and Consolidation Test. Through performing these tests, students gain an understanding of the relationship between index properties and soil behavior, as well as the strength, deformability and hydraulic characteristics of soils.
Lecture notesCourse materials are available on moodle
Prerequisites / NoticeAttendance of the following (or similar) courses:
- 651-4025-00L Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
- 651-4033-00L Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesfostered
Social CompetenciesCommunicationassessed
Cooperation and Teamworkfostered
Personal CompetenciesAdaptability and Flexibilityfostered
Critical Thinkingfostered
Integrity and Work Ethicsfostered
669-0202-00LFall Course: Characterisation of Rock and Rock Mass Behaviour for Underground Excavations Restricted registration - show details 2 credits2GJ. Aaron, C. Madonna, R. Vidanage De Silva
AbstractThe course focuses on the characterization of rock as a basis for describing rock mass behaviour with the help of hazard scenarios that are used in the planning and construction of underground excavations.
Learning objectiveParticipants learn the geological, geomechanical and hydrogeological factors necessary for the assessment and are able to estimate the influence of geological conditions on underground excavations.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Social CompetenciesCooperation and Teamworkfostered
Personal CompetenciesCritical Thinkingfostered