Karsten Weis: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

Name Prof. Dr. Karsten Weis
FieldCellular Dynamics
Institut für Biochemie
ETH Zürich, HPM E 6
Otto-Stern-Weg 3
8093 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 30 08
RelationshipFull Professor

551-0336-00LMethods in Cellular Biochemistry Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 14.

The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.
6 credits7GI. Zemp, U. Kutay, M. Peter, K. Weis
AbstractStudents will learn about biochemical approaches to analyze cellular functions. The course consists of practical projects in small groups, lectures and literature discussions. The course concludes with the presentation of results at a poster session.
Learning objectiveStudents will learn to design, carry out and assess experiments using current biochemical and cell biological strategies to analyze cellular functions in a wide range of model systems. In particular they will learn novel imaging techniques along with biochemical approaches to understand fundamental cellular pathways. Furthermore, they will learn to assess strengths and limitations of the different approaches and be able to discuss their validity for the analysis of cellular functions.
LiteratureDocumentation and recommended literature (review articles and selected primary literature) will be provided during the course.
Prerequisites / NoticeThis course will be taught in English.
551-1003-00LMethods of Biological Analysis Information 3 credits3GR. Aebersold, M. Badertscher, K. Weis
Principles of the most important separation techniques and the interpretation of molecular spectra.

The course will teach the basis and typical applications of methods for the analysis of nucleic acid sequences, mass spectrometric analysis of proteins and proteomes and advanced light and fluorescent imaging methods.
Learning objective529-1042-00
Knowledge of the necessary basics and the possibilities of application of the relevant spectroscopical and separation methods in analytical chermistry.

Knowledge of the theoretical basis of the methods for nucleic acid sequence analysis, mass spectrometry based protein and proteome analysis and advanced light and fluorescent imaging methods, and an understanding of the application of these principles in experimental biology.
Application oriented basics of instrumental analysis in organic chemistry and the empirical employment of the methods of structure elucidation (mass spectrometry, NMR-, IR-, UV/VIS spectroscopy). Basics and application of chromatographic and electrophoretic separation methods. Application of the knowledge by practising.

The course will consist of lectures covering the theoretical and technical base of the respective analytical methods and of exercises where typical applications of the methods in modern experimental biology are discussed.
Lecture notes529-1042-00
A comprehensive script is available in the HCI-Shop. A summary of the part "Spektroskopie" defines the relevant material for the exam.

Materials supporting the lectures and exercises will be made available via Moodle.
- Pretsch E., Bühlmann P., Badertscher M. Structure Determination of Organic Compounds, 5th revised and enlarged English edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2009;
- Pretsch E., Bühlmann P., Badertscher M., Spektroskopische Daten zur Strukturaufklärung organischer Verbindungen, fünfte Auflage, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2010;
- D.A. Skoog, J.J. Leary, Instrumentelle Analytik, Grundlagen, Geräte, Anwendungen, Springer, Berlin, 1996;
- K. Cammann, Instrumentelle Analytische Chemie, Verfahren, Anwendungen, Qualitätssicherung, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2001;
- R. Kellner, J.-M. Mermet, M. Otto, H.M. Widmer, Analytical Chemistry, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 1998;
- K. Robards, P.R.Haddad, P.E. Jackson, Principles and practice of modern chromatographic methods, Academic Press, London, 1994;
Prerequisites / Notice529-1042-00
- 529-1001-01 V "Allgemeine Chemie I (für Biol./Pharm.Wiss.)"
- 529-1001-00 P "Allgemeine Chemie I (für Biol./Pharm.Wiss.)"
- 529-1011-00 G "Organische Chemie I (für Biol./Pharm.Wiss.)"
551-1303-00LCellular Biochemistry of Health and Disease Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 20.
4 credits2SV. Korkhov, Y. Barral, J. Fernandes de Matos, B. Kornmann, R. Kroschewski, M. Peter, P. Picotti, A. E. Smith, K. Weis
AbstractDuring this Masters level seminar style course, students will explore current research topics in cellular biochemistry focused on the structure, function and regulation of selected cell components, and the consequences of dysregulation for pathologies.
Learning objectiveStudents will work with experts toward a critical analysis of cutting-edge research in the domain of cellular biochemistry, with emphasis on normal cellular processes and the consequences of their dysregulation. At the end of the course, students will be able to introduce, present, evaluate, critically discuss and write about recent scientific articles in the research area of cellular biochemistry.
ContentGuided by an expert in the field, students will engage in classical round-table style discussions of current literature with occasional frontal presentations. Students will alternate as discussion leaders throughout the semester, with the student leader responsible to briefly summarize key general knowledge and context of the assigned primary research paper. Together with the faculty expert, all students will participate in discussion of the primary paper, including the foundation of the biological question, specific questions addressed, key methods, key results, remaining gaps and research implications.
LiteratureThe literature will be provided during the course
Prerequisites / NoticeThe course will be taught in English.
551-1309-00LRNA-Biology Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 26.

The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.
6 credits7GB. Mateescu, F. Allain, C. Beyer, J. Corn, J. Hall, M. Jinek, S. Jonas, R. Santoro, O. Voinnet, K. Weis, A. Wutz
AbstractIntroduction to the diversity of current RNA-research at all levels from structural biology to systems biology using mainly model systems like S. cerevisiae (yeast), mammalian cells.
Learning objectiveThe students will obtain an overview about the diversity of current RNA-research. They will learn to design experiments and use techniques necessary to analyze different aspects of RNA biology. Through lectures and literature seminars, they will learn about the burning questions of RNA research and discuss approaches to address these questions experimentally. In practical lab projects the students will work in one of the participating laboratories. Finally, they will learn how to present and discuss their data in an appropriate manner. Student assessment is a graded semester performance based on individual performance in the laboratory, the written exam and the poster presentation.
LiteratureDocumentation and recommended literature will be provided at the beginning and during the course.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe course will be taught in English.