Sereina Riniker: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2020

Name Prof. Dr. Sereina Riniker
FieldComputational Chemistry
Inst. Mol. Phys. Wiss.
ETH Zürich, HCI G 225
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
8093 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 42 39
DepartmentChemistry and Applied Biosciences
RelationshipAssociate Professor

529-0460-00LComputer Simulation0 credits1SP. H. Hünenberger, S. Riniker
AbstractGroup meeting
Learning objectiveGroup meeting
Prerequisites / NoticeGroup meeting
529-0483-00LStatistical Physics and Computer Simulation4 credits2V + 1US. Riniker, P. H. Hünenberger
AbstractPrinciples and applications of statistical mechanics and equilibrium molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo simulation, Stochastic dynamics.
Exercises using a MD simulation program to generate ensembles and subsequently calculate ensemble averages.
Learning objectiveIntroduction to statistical mechanics with the aid of computer simulation, development of skills to carry out statistical mechanical calculations using computers and interpret the results.
ContentPrinciples and applications of statistical mechanics and equilibrium molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo simulation, Stochastic dynamics.
Exercises using a MD simulation program to generate ensembles and subsequently calculate ensemble averages.
Literaturewill be announced in the lecture
Prerequisites / NoticeSince the exercises on the computer do convey and test essentially different skills as those being conveyed during the lectures and tested at the written exam, the results of a small programming project will be presented in a 10-minutes talk by pairs of students who had been working on the project.

Additional information will be provided in the first lecture.
529-0491-00LSeminar in Computational Chemistry C40 credits2SM. Reiher, P. H. Hünenberger, S. Riniker
AbstractResearch seminar with invited lecturers
Learning objectiveResearch seminar with invited lecturers
529-0499-00LPhysical Chemistry1 credit1KB. H. Meier, A. Barnes, M. Ernst, P. H. Hünenberger, G. Jeschke, F. Merkt, M. Reiher, J. Richardson, R. Riek, S. Riniker, T. Schmidt, R. Signorell, H. J. Wörner
AbstractSeminar series covering current developments in Physical Chemistry
Learning objectiveDiscussing current developments in Physical Chemistry