Oliver Ullrich: Courses in Autumn Semester 2019

Name Prof. Dr. Oliver Ullrich
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
Anatomisches Institut
8057 Zürich
Telephone044 635 53 11
DepartmentInformation Technology and Electrical Engineering

227-0981-00LCross-Disciplinary Research and Development in Medicine and Engineering Restricted registration - show details
A maximum of 12 medical degree students and 12 (biomedical) engineering degree students can be admitted, their number should be equal.
4 credits2V + 2A
227-0981-00 VCross-Disciplinary Research and Development in Medicine and Engineering Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
**together with University of Zurich**

In order to synchronize the schedule between ETH and UZH students, the course will start on the 24.09.2019.
The final lecture will be on 26.11.2019.
2 hrs
Tue10:15-12:00HG E 41 »
26.11.12:15-14:00HG E 41 »
V. Kurtcuoglu, D. de Julien de Zelicourt, M. Meboldt, M. Schmid Daners, O. Ullrich
227-0981-00 ACross-Disciplinary Research and Development in Medicine and Engineering Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
**together with University of Zurich**

2 hours of group work to be scheduled independently by the joint teams of medical and engineering students.
2 hrsV. Kurtcuoglu, D. de Julien de Zelicourt, M. Meboldt, M. Schmid Daners, O. Ullrich
377-0107-00LNervous System Restricted registration - show details
Only for Human Medicine BSc
5 credits5V
377-0107-00 VNervensystem
Findet in der 2. Semesterhälfte statt.
5 hrs
Mon/213:00-17:00Y17 M 5 »
Tue/208:00-09:45Y17 M 5 »
14:45-16:30HPV G 4 »
Wed/215:15-17:00ML F 36 »
Fri/212:45-16:30HCI G 3 »
D. P. Wolfer, I. Amrein, J. Bohacek, D. Burdakov, G. Schratt, L. Slomianka, O. Ullrich, N. Wenderoth, further lecturers
377-0301-11LBlood, Immune System Restricted registration - show details
Die Lehrveranstaltung findet in Deutsch und Englisch statt.
4 credits5V
377-0301-11 VBlut, Immunsystem Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.5 hrs
Mon/113:00-17:00Y21 F 65 »
Tue/115:00-17:00Y17 M 5 »
Thu/113:00-17:00Y21 F 65 »
Fri07:45-09:30HCP E 47.2 »
07:45-09:30HCP E 47.3 »
13:15-17:00HG D 1.2 »
F. Sallusto, L. Flatz, G. Guarda, M. G. Manz, A. Theocharides, O. Ullrich, further lecturers
377-0311-00LClinical Anatomy Lab Restricted registration - show details
Only for Human Medicine BSc
5 credits7P
377-0311-00 PPraktikum klinische Anatomie
Unterricht gemäss Gruppeneinteilung!
Ort: Präpariersäle I 42 G25/33 Universität Irchel
92s hrsJ. Loffing, O. Ullrich, I. Amrein, G. Colacicco, N. Lier, further lecturers